How do you remain happy being in a relationship with someone who every night chooses to play video games instead of wanting to hang out or do something?

Like ever.

I used to get on his (M30) case about playing video games every night instead of hanging out with me and about a year ago I stopped. I (F28) discovered I am fine just chilling by myself and watching Tv or whatever. We are travelers to we don’t have family or friends nearby to hang out with… and his playing video games every night when we could be spending quality time is really starting to get to me. I’ve tried to be cool about it and don’t complain when he plays but at what point is it like… ok you obviously care more about your games than me or this relationship.

Also, worth mentioning is we’ve met up with friends and have gone out and on numerous occasions he’s rushing through hanging out so he can get back to his computer. It is really like an addiction. But he works all day, he doesn’t play all day. Just from an hr before dinner and then through until late. I usually end up falling asleep before he’s done.

Thoughts? Where do you draw the line? How much game time is too much game time? And how do you talk to the person to let them know it’s become a serious problem?

TLDR: How do you remain happy with someone in a relationship who only wants to play videos games every night?

  1. By prioritizing your needs and letting go of the relationship if you’re not satisfied with this pattern of behavior. You’ve discovered you’re fine with your own company anyway – so what are you keeping him around for, even? What is he adding to your life?

  2. I was addicted to an mmo for 14 years sometimes averaging 16 hrs a day… game addiction is no joke. Go look on /r/stopgaming. Its a sad wasteland of partners complaining about their SO’s addictions.

    Either accept he plays or move on to be frank. Hes not going to change unless he has serious consequences. And even then, he may just double down in his addiction.

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