My boyfriend and I have been together 2 1/2 years, we moved in together last year in July.
When we moved in, We had small disputes the first few months over his dog (not the dog, the lack of caring for the dog properly). She is a lab and sheds daily, it falls in huge clumps on the floor and is all over the baseboards in the apartment and tracks basically everywhere from our feet. I’m a little more anal about tidiness, so I find myself the being the one cleaning and vacuuming 6 days a week. He helps out maybe once a week, I work an office job and he works remotely.

He also doesn’t give the dog flea, tick, or heart worm medication regularly and brushes her 1 time a week or every other week, and only when I have to ask multiple times in a row to get it done, never voluntary. Her hair gets matted from a lack of being brushed

Whenever I confront him about doing the bare minimum care for the dog, he accuses me of hating his dog and calling me an “animal hater” and that I am accusing him of being a bad pet owner and shuts me out, insinuating I am in the wrong and that I should “deal with it if I liked the dog.” We have had multiple conversations about him cleaning up more 50/50 and he said he will, makes the change for 2-3 weeks, and then goes back to his old ways.

I’ve looked at this from many perspectives and would like the advice from others,

1 comment
  1. He’s being a crappy owner and a boyfriend. But I gotta ask you – did this magically start when you moved in together? Surely you saw how messy his house was and the dog being neglected then?

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