Throughout my sexual life I’ve had a few experiences with it, like guys that were into me vomiting during oral sex. Like oral sex with that purpose. Sometimes it was agreed upon beforehand. I think I’m quite submissive by nature.

Have you ever had it done to you? How did it feel for you?

Does us like gagging and vomiting because of their “size” and “hardness” give them a certain physical sensation down there?
Or do you think it’s more a psychological thing for them?
No hate please, I would just like to hear your take on it.

  1. I’ve never had an experience like this and i don’t have a penis, so i can only guess. when you gag, your throat gets tighter, and i imagine that does a certain something for guys physically. liking the actual vomiting is probably a kink.

  2. Almost but never during. I have a really bad gag reflex and it was difficult at first. Nowadays it’s almost second nature, I’m used to my partner’s cock in my mouth, but there were times we had to stop because I thought I was going to vomit. The same with deepthroating.

    I don’t remember the last time I actually gagged from having their cock in my mouth, it’s like my throat just opens up to them now. I have vomited a few times afterwards though but rather due to a quesy feeling in my stomach. There was one night in particular last year where we got really drunk and I had to run to the toilet after swallowing god only knows how many loads. Admittedly, was our own fault, we’d overdid it and had been having sex on and off for several hours that night and getting piss drunk while at it.

    I guess cum and alcohol isn’t the best combination but so far, fingers crossed, I haven’t actually spewed *during*.

  3. I would say more of a psychological thing, more precisely a kink/fetish called emetophilia. Your throat when stimulated makes you gag which in turn makes you retch or vomit.

    Deepthroating could give him a physical sensation as it’s quite tight over there, which could do many pleasurable things to the penis.

  4. I have definitely thrown up while giving my boyfriend head.

    Alcohol + gag reflex + he’s got some length to him. I didn’t throw up much, so like a champ swallowed it and kept going. He doesn’t even know it happened.

  5. Yes because I ate a massive spicy curry immediately before doing it way too enthusiastically and he was bigger than average. Lesson firmly learned.

  6. I 36F have given too many blowjobs to count and I have never, ever met a guy who wanted or would be ok with being vomited on. Until recently….

    The current guy I’m with, who I’ve done things with that I’ve *never* done with anyone else, tells me it’s fine if I vomit and to just “not stop.” However, I think vomiting is disgusting so I’ve always been like “uh, no fucking way.”

    But then it happened and I fucking just went with it, and it was gross but I did it anyways because apparently I’m dickmatized, So, I asked him about it after and he said “It’s not like I *want* you to vomit on me, but it’s a means to an end.” 😂 I will personally never understand, but oook.

    The other night, I had to run to the bathroom and spit out a bunch of vomit in the toilet because I could tell it was gonna be too gross. I just…. I couldn’t. But then, I came back and kept on sucking, ha. (he told me I should have just spit it out on the floor 😩)

    I’m sure degradation and dominance is a part of it (how could it not be), but as the submissive person – it doesn’t feel degrading, it just feels disgusting. Like, I’d rather be peed on quite honestly (and I don’t really want to be peed on, it’s just that pee is sterile). That at least is “degrading” but clean. Y’know?

    Oh and… he loves all the noises. My guess is he just got conditioned by porn to like it. I think that’s a big part of all of this vomity, sloppy face-fucking blowjob stuff. Literally never dealt with any of it until I started fucking a guy almost a decade younger than me (and grew up with porn in a different way than my gen and the gens older than me). If that makes sense….

    EDIT: to be clear, when I vomited and kept going, I mean I actually vomited on his dick and kept giving him head and jerking him off – with my vomit all over him. It was mostly liquid, but it was still vomit, no doubt about it. He even told me to “hop on” as in fuck him and I was like “no, sorry. gotta draw the line there.”

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