This is a common thing i see around, “strong” people group together and pick on the “weaks”. However i never learned how to be on the strong group. I am good at socializing, but never been actual friends with people as i was never “strong” in people’s vision. How to acquire that in people?

  1. Well, you have to be strong in all areas of your life and work on getting your life together. That includes being physically strong, mentally strong, and strong as it pertains to some kind of skill, hobby, or talent. Also, you need to have good social skills.

  2. You don’t want to be in the “strong group” that picks on the weaker ones. Picking someone is not strong people behavior, it is usually insecure people behavior.

  3. Leave the groups where the strongs picking on the weaks even if you manage to belong to the strongs. It’s not a good group.

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