So this woman started at my company about 3 months ago. I’m 31 male. And a fairly attractive man. She has been very friendly with me, always asking about my day and being very interested in what I’m saying when I’m talking to her. So today she was asking how I was and I said I’m alright, then asked her. She went on a 15 min rant about how her husband is upsetting her after just quitting his job. And how he isn’t talking to her and shutting down. I feel awkward about it. She’s always been incredibly friendly with me. But I feel like this is going I’ve the line. Thought?

  1. Could mean absolutely nothing, she’s griping about her problems and is comfortable with you. Could it mean more? Maybe, maybe not. A woman I talk to a little bit at my gym started telling me about problems with her dude this week…I offered advice and kept it moving

  2. It might have been just a vent. But if she asks you to hang outside of work, then it’s Defcon 1.

  3. Sometimes a woman wants a man’s perspective on things, even if it’s just to lend an ear. Don’t turn your back on her. Now if she starts getting personal with things, draw the proverbial line in the sand. You work together, she’s married. 2 ENORMOUS red flags. Even if she asks you for your number, don’t do it. Hang out after work? Don’t do it

  4. I think if you’re not friends she doesn’t know how to maintain appropriate boundaries between colleagues. Some people just wanna talk to anyone about anything with no consideration as to whether they should

  5. If you’re tired of her ranting you can let her know that you’re a bit fed up with the rants, try to say it in a respectful manner. If she asks to hangout after work etc etc, she’s most definitely thinking about you already know what.

  6. I’d flat out tell her I’m not interested and walk away

    If you allow people the opportunity to waste your time they usually will

  7. Sometimes initiating empathy and a connection can lead to an emotional affair when you’re discussing relationship problems. Just tell her you’re sorry to hear that and walk away.

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