I’m almost 28 years old, male, and never had any close friends. Never got any texts from others, was in an msn chat, and Skype call when I was young on a few occasions. One guy used to talk to me on RuneScape, and IMVU. But, apart from those few encounters in my life. I’ve never had any friends. Not in primary, high school, or uni. My colleagues treat me well, but only as a professional relationship nothing more. People ask advise from me often when they see me, and I always help them, do things, and be nice to others. I’m confident when I go out. But, at the end of everyday I’m reminded I’m a loser. Forget a relationship with a girl, I’ve tried many times. But, what am I maybe doing wrong outwardly? Or what has worked for you? Please any good advice is appreciated, thanks…

1 comment
  1. Please seek professional help. Majority of.your post history is about depression…and you should find a therapist for that.

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