if your gf/wife asked to borrow 100 bucks cause theyre short on cash and says theyll pay you back, do you expect it back? its kind of an awkward situation.

  1. Well, yeah, because she promised to pay back. But there would be no pressure on when she is able to pay me back.

  2. What? My wife’s money is my money. No payback required. Also don’t lend money to family or friends. If you can’t afford it, don’t give them money. Otherwise gift it, no payback required. If you lend money and expect it to be paid back, it will cause problems in your relationship.

  3. If anyone says they’ll pay me back, I would expect them to. But my wife and I have completely combined finances. I also don’t loan money, period, I will give it if I can.

  4. Personal cash no. I give money when I can. I don’t expect a payback. She’s my wife.

    A loan or something like that yea I expect her half if we agreed to it

  5. No. When it’s time to pay me back I expect her to ask for another 100.

  6. No. That was a $100 gift. Let it go.

    All monetary giving to anybody who I consider a friend or partner is a gift. It’s gone.

    I get it back. Cool. I don’t, I helped a friend. Cool. But I’m not asking.

  7. I expect people to keep their word, it’s an important value to me.

    But also, another value in a committed relationship (you say wife/partner, not just GF) is the equal sharing of resources…. there’s no such thing as borrowing or repayment. Short term or new relationship…. that’s different and is still borrowing/lending.

  8. My wife doesn’t borrow money from me, because it’s our money. If she needs cash for something and she asks me if I have it, I give it to her and I don’t expect her to go to the bank and replace it. I just do that myself if I need to.

  9. What kind of a person “lends” their partner money ? I’d understand if it was a large amount, but if it’s not, then it’s really weird.

  10. Gf yes. Live in gf, probably not. Wife, no, she already owns your butt how’s she gonna “pay you back”?

  11. I still owe 100 I took from my wife to take her to date when we were friends.. 20 years and 2 kids after still not paying her.

  12. Wife? No. GF? Yes but … I wouldn’t go chasing it. I don’t think I’d give a shit below about a grand.

  13. I’m Married. I’m the only income. There’s no paying me back. It’s not my money, it’s our money. We’ve never even talked about it. Maybe that plan isn’t for everyone but it’s worked for us for almost 25 years

  14. Wait… Aren’t the money of both spouses put together once you are married or live in the same place? Why would your partner have to borrow money from you? That sounds awful.

  15. Hell if my ex asked for some money and she was in a bind id help her and not expect it back but that’s just because we still have a friendly relationship.. wife or partner.. yeah just take it I’m sure it will come back around one way or another eventually

  16. Yes. I expect anyone who borrows money from me to pay it back. Doesn’t matter who you are. She always pays me back though so I fully trust her that she’ll pay me back when I lend her money.

  17. Yes, if that was the agreement she should honor the agreement. If she doesn’t readily acknowledge and accept responsibility for herself financially towards you as a partner then it’s a red flag that says that she feels entitled to your money and doesn’t respect you enough to think she should have to pay you back because she’s allowing you to be with her. Not only that, but it’s a prelude to the type of relationship you’ll have once you’re married, as she will continue the behavior without consequences or accountability even if you get divorced.

    Letting a gf borrow a bit of money is a good idea as long as it isn’t too much, if she is a good partner she will return it to you promptly when she has money to do so. If not then you have a reasonable reason to not keep her as your significant other as she is highlighting her lack of accountability and respect for you, and you’d be dodging a bullet.

    My wife has never asked me to borrow money, and even if she did I would just give it to her if I can because she has proven time and time again that she is trustworthy and reliable to the point that I don’t mind her having it. Also, it would be for something very important and not something that is arbitrary, because she would never look to borrow anything unless it was a dire circumstance. She has helped me out of jams early on in our relationship the same way and I will always do the same for her because of that, and specifically made a point to let me know she doesn’t want the money back but to have the same treatment in return when she is in need.

  18. In my marriage, all money is joint so we don’t have those types of exchanges.

    In previous relationships it just depends on our level and the situation. But if anyone asks to “borrow”, then I ask when they’ll pay me back before letting them borrow it. Otherwise it can get ugly. If our relationship and their financial situation is such that I don’t care if I get it back then I’ll just tell them at that time to not worry about it and take care of whatever they need.

  19. Absolutely. I have a big problem with people who ask for loans or favours, say they will pay you back and never do. If you aren’t able to pay it back within the agreed time or don’t respect me enough to do the honest thing and reciprocate then don’t ask. It will destroy the relationship.

  20. I expect it only in one situation, if she’s buying me a gift. Other than that, I don’t really care or even remember.

  21. When I had a partner I didn’t expect it, unless we talked about paying it back. 🌈Communication

  22. Girlfriend yes, wife no. Community property is more than just something you fight over during the divorce.

  23. If she wants to borrow i expect her to pay it back (wife). Same for kids or anybody. Question is, why my wife would borrow money from me? We have shared accounts.

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