In a lot of movies and shows that I see set in the US, people eat in diners. Usually the waitress will walk around and top up the mug with coffee.

Is this a real experience? And is the coffee free?

  1. No. But refills are free.

    So you order a cup for a couple of bucks and the servers will walk around and “top you off” or “warm you up a little a bit”.

    To build on my initial response, there *might* be a situation where you order a particular item and a beverage is included but I still wouldn’t consider that a “free” coffee.

  2. No, you’re paying probably 2 or 3 bucks for the coffee, but you get unlimited refills while you’re there.

  3. No, it’s not free. But often the refills are free. It is good to ask because a few places are sneaky and well charge you for all 5 refills when you get the bill at the end.

    Also it’s generally… not the best coffee. Usually made in a multiple gallon size percolator. Tastes watery and burnt. But if you fill it with cream and sugar you might not care.

  4. No, the only thing you’ll get for free is water. However, coffee, and most other non-alcoholic drinks will have free unlimited refills.

  5. No, but refills are free. Generally they’ll ask, in real life. If they just randomly come around filling them up, you can just nicely tell them “No thank you.” They usually won’t charge you for this. Our local diner charges $1 for their coffee just so people can’t come in and drink free coffee, otherwise it’s included with the cost of a meal, or free if you’re a regular and old Red likes you.

  6. Most Diners, sit down restaurants, and fast food restaurants will have free refills, but the first cup is paid for. Coffee Shops, and some Cafes that carry fancy coffees and espresso drinks will not have free refills (though cafes might for drip coffee).

  7. No, they ask you if you want coffee in real life and it costs a couple bucks. In movies they just bring it because it saves time and usually isn’t relevant to the plot

  8. At virtually all restaurants, you pay for one cup of coffee and get unlimited refills.

  9. Coffee is generally a dollar or two and you get free refills. So, the waitress walking around with a pot and topping off mugs is definitely a normal thing.

  10. This topic came up a few weeks ago. No she is just refilling, and they will be billed for the coffee, but only the first cup, if they have free refills.

    If they don’t want coffee, keep the cup upside down if it is clean, or put your hand over the top of it when she comes around with the coffee pot if you don’t want more or a refill.

    The refills aren’t always free but often are. But that would be cheaper coffee, not luxury roast.

  11. Im realizing American TV and movies definitely always show diners. I think diners are over represented on TV. In my experience, No one I know eats at a diner on a regular basis or at all. They just look good in film compared to a chain restaurant or a fast food place haha

  12. You pay for coffee, but it’s free refills… so you pay your $2 or whatever, but then they keep refilling your mug as long as you’re there.

  13. You pay for the first cup, refills are free. Drip coffee is generally pretty inexpensive, $1-2.

  14. Sometimes. The place we go to since we are regulars, depending on the server, they usually don’t charge us. Usually no matter what though you get free refills.

  15. Refills for basic drinks (soda fountain selections, tap water, drip coffee, hot tea, iced tea) are often free. Anything that comes in a can or bottle, or otherwise costs a lot more like freshly squeezed juice, will be charged per serving.

    Soda and coffee are ridiculously cheap and there’s no reason not to just give it to a customer. A refill costs nothing, most people only get one, and it makes everyone happy.

    The profit margin on a $2.50 cup of coffee at a diner is probably something like 80%.

  16. No. But it’s fairly common for most people to have a cup so they usually have a carafe ready to go as your table is seating. I’m sure it saves them a ton of time.

  17. At my local diner the breakfast meals come with free coffee. But I’ve never been to any diner where they don’t give you free coffee refills. At IHOP they even give you a pot of coffee at your table.

  18. Not usually free, but your refills are free. So basically if your ask for coffee, you’ll pay like $1.50-$2.50 depending on the place for effectively bottomless coffee.

    Coffee is made by the pot and it’s super cheap. Costs them almost nothing to make and they have to throw it out if it doesn’t get used.

  19. Not free.

    Turning the mug over is a sign that you want coffee.

    It’s typically very cheap and has free refills.

  20. No you have to pay for drinks, except water (unless it’s bottled.)

    In the US, coffee, tea, soda, etc almost always are free unlimited refills.

  21. Free refills are the norm for coffee, iced tea and sodas here. You pay for it, but they will bring you more as much as you want. Often waiters will come by and put a little coffee in your cup when it’s half full, just to keep it hot.

  22. Generally you pay for it once and they keep it topped off. Sometimes it’s ‘free’ in that it’s included in the cost of breakfast and not a separate item, but generally drinks are ala carte priced.

  23. It’s usually bottomless refills, so you pay for 1 coffee but get free refills for the entire time you’re there.

  24. Refills in America are free. Once you buy a drink, the refills are free (for the most part).

    Murica baby!

  25. Not without extenuating circumstances. But refills are usually free. I will say though that my local diner offers free coffee no purchase necessary to veterans and military members on Veterans Day and Memorial Day or at least they did when I worked there. Plus the staff will occasionally just “forget” to put the coffee down if their buddy or a regular drops in for a cup. It’s a nice atmosphere to be a part of both as a customer and staff member.

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