What is something you thought only happened to women until it happened to you ?

  1. This one time, while travelling, I went on such a bender that I started thinking maybe astrology isn’t bulshit. started talking to the sun at one point 🤷‍♂️

  2. the whole ‘freezing’ thing when you experience sexual assault. I have been sexually assaulted by 4 different women in my life, all older than my mom. The first time, my brain totally shut down and I didn’t know what to do or say. Hard to explain, but it took me like 10 minutes to process wtf just happened. Awhile later, I finally started to feel angry.

  3. Objectification

    Unwarranted touching

    Creepy behaviour

    cat calling

    Forcing themselves on me at clubs by trying to force a make out and getting all touchy. (Mostly by drunk women but still)

    Purposely going to a place where opposite sex issues are talked about and trying to make it about them Instead and how they have it worse

    Accusing the opposite sex of being gay when rejected and not taking rejection well

    Being sexist towards the opposite sex and think their sex is superior and not viewing people from the opposite sex as actual people with feelings.


    Having a high sex drive

    Invalidating feelings and lived experiences of the opposite sex

    Making the first move off and online

    Asking service workers for their numbers and flirting with them and mistaking good customer service as a hit on

    Cold approaching the opposite sex on the street (Yes. This happened to me when I was 18)

    What I’ve learnt is that Women aren’t all that different from men. For better and worse. All individuals. So, of course NOT ALL women are like this

    Are men more likely to do most of this stuff.. Yes. Ain’t gonna deny that but women do it too.

  4. I got a little misty eyed at a commercial I thought was cute! Prior to this, I only saw pregnant women react like that!

    I guess I am getting more sentimental with age? lol

  5. Getting told to smile more, constantly by someone older that I was not into at all

  6. Was mentioned earlier, but catcalling. Happened once when I had to pass through a room to get to another section of a building, and there were about 20 women there who immediately started whooping and hollering at me. Instead of being flattered, I had never felt so uncomfortable in my life. I couldn’t speak and wanted to get out of there ASAP. And to think that so many women have to put up with that shit constantly …

  7. I woke up mid-nap in my dorm room one evening to find a drunk friend crawling all over me, kissing my head and neck.

  8. Getting eye fucked by a man, after that day I finally understand how ladies feel when they say that guys creeps me out he keeps checking me out.

  9. Being groped and assaulted by multiple women. I froze when a woman I was not involved with in anyway put her hands down my pants. Also another group of women joked about getting me drunk to r*** me.

  10. I got catcalled (for lack of a better term) while I was at work about 2 weeks ago. I got told to my face that I’m the eye-candy when I deliver to that business and that a bunch of the girls there think I’m hot and I should deliver there more often.

    Previously at the same location, one of the girls grabbed my arm and gave it a squeeze when she slipped past me in a doorway

  11. I got complimented on my hair once by a customer when I was working at a gas station 8 years ago. I legit think of it from time to time and it makes me smile.

  12. A girl recently added me on instagram and said “hey I saw you on hinge and instead of sending you a rose I added you on instagram”.

    Like geez, if I did this to a woman people would say it is so cringe. Still was cringe.

  13. Compliments, got one the other day at work by someone who said “your haircut makes your jawline look cute,” I’m kinda sad it was a dude but you know it’s something I guess.

  14. I’m 21, so I’m still fairly young compared to some of the guys here, maybe.

    Yesterday, for the first time ever, I was very, very uncomfortably hit on by a woman 30 years older than me. Now, I consider myself a confident man but I didn’t know what the fuck to do.

    She kept telling me to take my shirt off and meant it. Followed by telling me to get naked, “jokingly.” She was saying that she’s “like my mom, so it’s ok if she sees my body.” She even called me “son” in Spanish. The final straw was when she reached over and lifted up my shirt to “see my abs.” I got the hell out of there, and as I was leaving, she made sure to say, “bye baby.”

    I actually went and told a female friend about it right after, and she just kind of laughed it off. Safe to say she’s not a friend of mine anymore. I completely understand how women feel in these kinds of situations now and how they must feel when it escalates even further. Extremely uncomfortable above all.

    What really bothers me is that if the roles were reversed in this situation, I would’ve been walked out in handcuffs.

  15. Always thought crying during movies was a women-only thing. Then I saw ‘Up.’ That intro hit me like a freight train, my eyes turned into waterfalls. Pixar, why must you play with my manly emotions?

  16. I went to dinner and the women I was with paid for my meal. It blew my mind. After years of reading about women paying on dates, I’d never seen it happen in real life.

    Thanks again for dinner Mom.

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