I (late 20s F) have been with my partner (30s M) for about a year, and I hoped sex would become less painful but it has not. He has a wide penis and it hurts.

I’m sufficiently aroused when we have sex (he always gets me off beforehand) and we use a lot of coconut oil for lube. We mainly have sex doggy style. The length does not hurt me it’s just the girth.

Looking for recommendations/positions that would make sex less painful. I have an appt with my gyno in June, her nurse just said to try to have sex more often. Any advice appreciated!

  1. I had a similar issue, it helps to do deep diaphragmatic breathing exercises to loosen your pelvic floor muscles, at least that’s what I tried

  2. >her nurse just said to try to have sex more often.

    This seems like fun advice. Have you tried this yet? I’ve heard kind of a similar thing about getting used to anal.

  3. A few things I’d recommend…

    Coconut oil is a bad choice for lube. It gets absorbed too quickly. Buy some quality silicone based lube like uberlube.

    Doggy style is the worst position if he’s thick. I usually save that for last when I know she’s properly stretched. I’d start with cowgirl that way you could control the rate of thrusting, depth and angles.

    This may sound strange, but try not having an orgasm before penetration and see if it feels better. Some women have a hard time lubricating after the first orgasm.

    Lastly, look into some yoni massage, perineal massage and fisting videos so he can stretch you manually and incorporate that as part of foreplay

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