To kinda explain. I am a gay guy, I have a tinder profile that says “here just for friends” and that’s exactly what I use it for. Im visible to straight women and gay men. I basically just meet people on there and then have them come out to clubs and if we get along then I’ll invite them out more, if not, then that will just be the end.

However there’s been instances where I thought I enjoyed a person and really liked hanging out with them and then they go off on me for not wanting more than just a friendship. I do being my dude with me when im out at the clubs. We have separate friends so a lot of the time we arent always in the same area. I don’t really tell people from tinder much about me. I don’t like getting to know people through text. If you want to hangout let’s hangout. All you need to know is I’m at this club and I only want friends, nothing else. So with that being said, sometimes they don’t exactly know I’m in a relationship until they get there. Which I don’t see as an issue if I make it clear FRIENDS ONLY.

  1. Bumble BFF is probably a more appropriate platform, but I suppose people can just swipe on past you if they don’t like it 🤷🏼‍♂️

  2. There has to be another app for that. Tinder is a sacred hookup app. Please don’t muddy the waters of the holy dating pool.

  3. On tinder some people use “friends” as code for FWBs or other casual relationships.

  4. If you want to get to know someone the clubs aren’t exactly where to do it. I can see why people thought you might want more, “I just want to be friends” and then “lets go clubbing” is mixed signals.

  5. I met someone online who invited me to meet up. When I got there they were hanging with other people and acted all casual like they were being paid to get people into the club. It was a strange experience. If I had known we were not hanging out I would not have gone and yea, I felt misled.

    IMO if you’re not planning to hang with someone and get to know them, probably don’t invite them to a club you will be at with other friends. Most people probably won’t understand.

  6. Yes. It is weird that a explicitly sexual app like tinder can be used for “friendship”. While I have no ill opinion on people who do it I do find it weird. One should always be forthcoming and honest about what they want and what they are looking for. Far too many want guys to jump through hoops, like qualifications, before they are given “permission” to sleep with each other. Hate that

  7. Yes. It’s literally a hookup app. You are just confusing everyone. Nobody genuinely expects someone to be on there for just friends.

  8. I hate when people do this, it’s a dating app, well Tinder is a hookup app. It should be used accordingly.

  9. Is it possible? As far as I know online dating attracts a certain type of people hoping for a valuable partner. Nobody is looking for somebody to sit on their couch and raid each others fridges.

  10. i just changed my tag to “looking for friends”, just because of this thread.

    Shouldnt make a difference, lets have a look – worth the experiment.

    and OP, do as you wish, the world is your oyster.

  11. Yes. It’s a dating app. It’s there for people to find romance or sex. So you’re wasting people’s time.

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