Bro – from a stranger ?
Bro – from a friend who is a girl?
Bro – from a former crush/fling ?

What does it feel like to be called brother/bro by a girl who is not your sister and who you are not related to?

Do you love it? Hate it? Why?

  1. Love it. I call every peer I can bro, but I know a fair amount of women don’t like it, so it’s always a relief when they start the broliferation

  2. Must me an age thing, I don’t like being called bro. I’m 40 and i grew up with “dude” and “man”. Nowadays the kids don’t even say bro, it’s bruuuuuuh. Now get off my lawn.

  3. I mean as an Aussie bro is literally everywhere, as an older brother I wouldn’t even care, when I allow you to call me cunt, bro is gonna be fine as well

  4. I don’t live in the US. Anyone calling anyone else ‘bro’ is weird as fuck and annoying.

  5. I’m so glad I’m not in my 20’s.

    Bro is code for “i am not at all interested in you, go away”.

  6. If a woman says it, I view her in the masculine and it’s a turn off. We used to dump on people who used it, as it was something associated with stoner culture.

  7. I actually don’t line being called bro by anyone but my actual siblings. There was a few exceptions that felt natural

  8. it probably means she’s a ‘social experiment’ YouTuber, time travelled from 2013

  9. Don’t care either way. Some people just talk that way – could be fun, could be a bit irritating, all depends on the situation and context they use the word in.

  10. My wife calls me bro all the time. Everyone is a bro. Just like everyone is a dude. It’s a complement.

  11. Calling me “bro” immediately makes think less of someone unless they are my brother.

  12. I’ve had a girl grasp my forearm before (when I went for a handshake) and say, “Brethren.” She was pretty cool actually.

  13. Neutral. It’s like saying man, dude, bruh, etc. If anything, I think we’re only friendly terms.

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