To make a long story short me and my wife of 6 years separated 9 months ago (I haven’t heard from her since). This was a devastating time for me and I eventually ended up seeking therapy to deal with trauma and whatnot from my childhood. I was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder and the medication has made a huge difference in my quality of life and capacity. I have been able to work out consistently and eat healthy and manage my finances better than ever. My business took off about 6 months ago and ever time I look at my bank account I just about have a heart attack. Anyway about a month ago I downloaded the apps and have started dating again, really just to get out of the house and become social again. I’ve never had that much trouble finding dates prior to meeting my wife and this go round has been much better than I anticipated. Oddly enough I’ve noticed that when I tell people that I am technically married but separated they seem much more interested than the women I don’t tell. I don’t know why that is, but I plan to be upfront with everyone in the future. Now that I have gotten the rust off so to speak, I’m jus wondering when is an appropriate time to mention the fact that I am bipolar and take medication daily, and without the medication I’m a completely different person. Also, I don’t flash money around or anything and my financial situation isn’t obvious, but it seems like this is an important component in todays dating arena. I don’t know if I should mention it or let it come out naturally. Thanks a ton

TLDR: Separated from wife and have discovered that I am very bipolar, but better with meds. My business has taken off to extreme heights and I don’t know when an appropriate time to mention either to dates are.

  1. Don’t mention finances at all till you are in a committed relationship. You don’t want to attract the wrong type of person. As for mental health, just let them know hey I want to be honest with you. I was recently diagnosed with being bipolar and I have actively been taking my medication. I would only say that after a few dates because you not being divorced and being bi polar could be seen as a major red flag.

  2. Married but separated tell that part right away, on your page or in the first date.

    Bipolar 3 to 8th date, somewhere around there. But make sure you mention that it is managed, medicated, and that you are in top of it.

    With wealth, wait until much longer, like a comment made.

    I would also strongly recommend that you get an attorney involved ASAP. This will help you in managing what wealth you have remaining after the divorce. All that money doesn’t mean a thing if you wife takes it all in the divorce.

  3. I would be honest about having managed bipolar pretty early on within the first few dates. It’ll help weed out people not willing to give you a chance.

    You don’t need to reveal your net worth to start talking about financial compatibility, like how you grew up and what your financial philosophy is (are you a saver or a spender? are you so frugal you never have fun? what are your financial goals – like, a comfortable retirement might be a goal or ability to afford a 3 bedroom house might be a goal). I would not reveal your net worth until a serious, committed relationship is reached. Also, if your net worth is based off a self-business, I would be careful because that could go through a lot of ups and downs.

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