Hello so i {26 M} recently joined a youth church group and i actually met someone {30 F} who ive become interested in dating. I was actually not looking to date and wanted to be involved in community service and reconnecting with god while making great friendships through meeting like minded people my age.

long story short theres a girl in the group whom ive gotten somewhat close with, we seem to be always getting placed in groups, having one on one discussions, gave her a ride back from an event and have gotten to know alot about her and weve shared some personal stuff about our past relationships. Also i only know her for about a month so not that long.

Recently i invited her to study at a cafe and we went to go eat after and again we talked about life goals, what were looking for in a relationship and overall a great time. i was trying to look for signs of flirting but all i noticed was her doing the playing with hair sometimes and just eye contact but not really anything else.

The only reason why i started thinking she may have been into me was just because she used to talk to me on social media and we talked about hiking in the future when i didnt know her that well and we talk about some pretty deep stuff about our past. Also we dont text nor talk on social media anymore.

I dont know what i should do in this situation and its eating me alive. I dont mind staying friends as shes an amazing person but part of me wants to ask her on an actual date so if i get rejected i can just move on and not have to deal with this confusion, but part of me doesnt want to jump the gun to fast since i hardly know her.

I try my best to gauge if shes interested but im seriously confused and part of me is just trying to forget these feelings and remain friends but its really difficult. please help

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