
Edit – answered!

  1. It helps you make a complete meal out of hamburger meat (ground beef). It’s a way of easily taking the meat and adding some form of noodles and sauce to it and coming up with a quick and simple meal.

  2. I think it was a seasoning pack in the 70s and 80s. I’m surprised you are asking about it 2023. Where did you hear of it?

  3. I don’t know why they call this stuff hamburger helper. It does just fine by itself. I like it better than tuna helper myself, don’t you?

  4. Hamburgers, genius

    Edit: How much hamburger can a hamburger helper help if a hamburger helper could help hamburger?

  5. Helps with having poor families in the 2009 recession eat. As I can attest to, I’ll never eat that again.

  6. It is capable of sustaining life for a certain time lol

    I’m jk, I’ve never had hamburger helper. My brother has, though, and has always said it was super gross. So I guess it helps with… not starving? But that’s basically it lol

  7. It is a box with some kind of noodle usually and a powdered sauce mix. You brown ground beef and add the noodles, sauce mix and water. Maybe you add some vegetables. It is a one pot meal. It is kind of bland.

    Te jingle for the ads was hamburger helper, help your hamburger make a great meal.

  8. I don’t know where the OP is from, but keep in mind that what we call “hamburger” is called “mince” or “minced beef” or “ground beef” etc. in the rest of the world, where “hamburger” is a sandwich made with that ingredient.

    Do don’t assume the OP is an idiot, unless he’s from the USA. 😉

  9. According to the haunting, majestic Hamburger Helper theme, Hamburger Helper helps your hamburger help you make a great meal.

    That oughta do it.

  10. In parts of the US, “Hamburger Meat” is another name for ground beef. Hamburger Helper is way to turn 1lb (about 454g) of ground beef into an easy entree for about 4 people. Hamburger Helper, which is specific brand of meal kits, consists of a small box of pasta with a package of seasoning and takes about 10 to 20 minutes to cook. Hamburger Helper is a relatively shelf stable product, and can be kept in a pantry for quite some time. Flavors vary, with Cheeseburger Mac, Stroganoff, Chili Mac, and Spaghetti (bolognese) being common. Hamburger Helper is not a high end food. Hamburger Helper also makes meals kits for canned chicken and tuna.

  11. It’s helps one pound of hamburger quickly, easily, and cheaply become a meal for a family of 4

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