This girl (20F) and I (20M) meet at work and have known each other for about two years or so. However, we didn’t become very close with each other until around February of this year. I consider her as a very close friend while she considers me as her best friend. Recently, we’ve been talking about hanging out sometime outside of work as friends; however, our work schedules are completely different mainly with our off days, making it difficult to plan things out. Any suggestions? For the most part, we’re both free during late afternoons and evenings.

  1. Might depend on what you two have in common or enjoy, but you could check out upcoming events in your city. If you’re into hiking or walks you could check out some nice parks around your city. Bit hard to recommend things without knowing any more details.

  2. Thinking back to when I was that age hanging out with a girl that was just a friend. Things like concerts, fairs/festivals, walking around the mall.

  3. Grab lunch, hang out at a coffee shop, go to a movie, go to a shopping center, or chill at the park

  4. Do you want to be more than friends? sounds like you’re very close ane she might like you in that way

  5. The beach, mini golf, arcades, your house, her house, in the car, parks, restaurants, the movies, the gym, a lake, a trail, or a walk around the city.

  6. What are your interests?? Movies, foreign movies, park, aquarium, you 2 most share interests so one of those. Sorry I’m not of help here 🤷‍♀️

  7. Try rock climbing, visit a pier, have a few drinks at the beach/bonfire, go look at some views, try something new together like different restaurants different foods, it really just depends on what you’re both into. I’m an introverted homebody, so something like ordering some fancy food and smoking a joint while watching a good movie or show sounds fun to me.

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