I’ve been seeing a guy for almost three months and while and he’s a great guy and has his moments I don’t feel like we are compatible enough for a long term relationship. We are both stubborn with very different forms of communication and different schedules. We are both Masters students at the same university but I have a significantly greater workload than he does. As a result, I feel like he has more free time for himself and to see friends. However, I have to cut my own personal free time to see him or hang out with him. He often makes me feel guilty about not seeing him more. I have communicated that my responsibilities come first and that I’m really trying to time manage. This has put a great strain on our relationship and I feel like things are getting tense between us. I tried to break up with him on Thursday, he says he wants to wait until the summer to see how are relationship will be with no work and school obligations, but honestly I don’t see us lasting into the summer. Should I double down on my decision or break up or wait to see how the summer treats us?

  1. Does the idea of a summer with more time to spend with him fill you with positive feelings or dread? If it’s dread, you should X -it now.

  2. Have you told him about those feelings, especially around scheduling time together? Is it possible for you guys to have a sit down productive conversation about needs, wants and expectations in your relationship?

    It honestly doesn’t sound like you’re super compatible, bring this frustrated at each other this early on isnt a good sign, but I feel like the answer to the previous questions will really tell you every thing you need to know

  3. We have had a few sit conversations about expectations from this relationship. The moment I was feeling overwhelmed I asked him if we can talk.The thing everything I try and get him to sit and talk he gets defensive and tries to pick a fight. It’s exhausting because it has happened where he either gets defensive or he say’s he try to change and the. He immediately goes back to doing what he said he’d work on.

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