I’ve been texting pretty intensely with this guy that lives far from me, for about a month. He is planning on coming here.

So the thing I am worried about is, I asked him yesterday why he is always in my head and what he wants from me (as a joke obviously ). I don’t want it to sound too much since we haven’t met yet but still.. I’ve developed very strong feelings that makes me a bit scared actually. It’s probably bc I opened up a bit. Anyways, he wrote laughing emojis and “don’t be mad”. So, idk I felt ditched by that. What do u guys think?

1 comment
  1. It’s possible he took it the wrong way and tried to diffuse through humor? A lot of messages can be misinterpreted through text. (I’m assuming that’s how you sent it).

    It’s a good thing how you realize how fast you’re falling for him. See how you guys are together when he does come and then see from there.

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