Do you like your daily routine? If not what do you want to change?

  1. Working from home for 3 years had done a number on me. To be at my best I need to see the people I work with face to face. I’m not even extroverted, I just can’t be alone 24/7.

  2. I would like to exchange the work part for a trying to find a way to spend $10 billion part.

  3. I need to exercise more. I job 3-5 times a week, but it’s not enough.

    I want to be explosive and feel confident about handling myself in a fight but I have a bad leg from a motorcycle accident and don’t know if I want to commit to MMA training.

    I need to be more consistent with my writing for sure.

    I need to be consistent with reading and studying languages too.

  4. I’d like the day’s to be extended by 4 hours. So i have time for more than just work, food and sleep.

  5. Wake up at 4 am work out, go to work from 6 to 2 pm, go home and spend time with my family doing something. Training, working out, watching movies, or whatever needs to be done

    I am very happy with my daily routine, but if I had to change something it would be to slow time down just a touch as my oldest is a year from leaving the house and I’m going to miss that fucker

  6. Love it, don’t want to change it really. Up at 6:30, grab some coffee and work on the garden. Get kids out the door to school. Drink a protein shake and get cleaned up and head to the office. Drive kids to sports / activities in the afternoon and help cook dinner with the wife. Work in the garden more then watch playoff basketball or Dodgers baseball. Wouldn’t mind an extra day right in the middle of the week to not work and just do chores & shopping, that might be the only adjustment I’d want.

  7. I am about to experience a change in my routine and I am excited. My old routine was all over yhe place due to the inconsistency with work; I wouldn’t have the same bedtime 2 days in a row. Now that’s changing, consistency will make planning things so much easier

  8. Start off by feeding my dog, once she has gone back to bed I take an hour long bath.

  9. up at 11:30, coffee, catch up on emails from the overnight shift, or any serious incidents that recently occurred. I’m an occupational Representative, then watch some youtube for an hour before heading to work then work from 4pm to midnight, home by quarter after one.

    dinner, shower, bed

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