Depression can be extremely crippling. It can cause somebody to lay in bed all day and only getting up to use the bathroom. It can cause people to get fired from jobs due to lower productivity. It can even cause people to not be able to take care of their kids. The reason I’m still living with my parents at my age is because I’m unable to take care of myself due to depression, but yet society assumes I’m lazy

  1. You have a case of the sads and you want us to give you pat you on the back for doing nothing about it? You need therapy, not Reddit advice.

  2. This is very much only my own opinions as I was dealing with depression after a financial set back and a girlfriend passing away.

    I agree that someone suffering from depression not necessarily are lazy but they act in a lazy way. I felt that way when dealing with it and still do to this day even if I feel I function better in society again and have stopped isolating myself from reality.

    But something I do belive is that lazy people tend to use depression as an excuse to be lazy which is a terrible thing for those actually suffering from depression.

  3. It’s a bit complicated. Some people may be depressed and poor so they have to work and others may find depression as an excuse to victimise themselves.

  4. They’re literally two different things. Depression is not laziness. So how anyone is going to disagree with reality is not something I understand but there’s a whole lot of people who do it.

    That said, being lazy is a perfectly valid reason to not want to work. We only got so much time on this planet, it’s perfectly healthy to want to waste as little of it on work as possible.

  5. No, I disagree. I think that’s just an excuse. People do that as long as there’s someone providing for them.

  6. I suffer from depression. And yes, there are days where I don’t want to do anything, where it all feels like too much and why should I bother.

    However, as a responsible adult, I get up and do them anyway. Anything I can do and accomplish is success in the face of an illness that is trying to take something away from me.

    There’s a difference between controlling your illness and letting it control you. Your post gives off the stink of someone letting it control them and, worse, using it as an excuse for their failures and their disinterest in being a productive member of society.

    Serious question for you, pal: what happens when mom and dad can’t take care of you anymore? What happens when you need to take care of them? Or, worse, if they just aren’t there anymore at all?

    Get your shit together. Get a better therapist, get better medication, and quit making the rest of us with depression look bad with your “I just *can’t*…” attitude. You can, you should, but you just don’t want to, and you’ll find no sympathy here because of it.

  7. Honestly I don’t really believe in laziness. I believe that you simply may need rest or in your case, you are depressed. That has nothing to do with laziness.

  8. As you mentioned in a different chain, there is a spectrum. I agree that at some point on that spectrum of mental health issues, there’s a point where the relationship between “I want to do this thing” and “I can do this thing” breaks down, or even being able to want something at all. Mental illness can be extremely debilitating and can really fuck people up. I’m sorry you’re going through this, it can be really, truly nightmarish and a lot of folks will never understand, or at least not understand the scope.

    I hope you continue to seek treatment, possibly switching up therapists or treatments as necessary, and hopefully you can find a way to get your feet underneath you and live the life you want to live.

  9. Sorry but I do find it a little lazy. I have been depressed and suicidal for as long as I can remember. But just like everyone else I am expected to take care of myself and my own life. I do not have anyone to lean on and I do not want to live on the street so I do what I have to do. I do believe if my brain worked differently I would be more successful in life but I won’t let my depression put me in the street. What would you do if your parents were not willing to take care of you? Would you be on the street homeless or would you be doing what you need to do to survive? If it is the latter then I do believe you have a degree of laziness to you because you are choosing the easier way.

  10. You’re unable or you’re unwilling? Big difference.

    Many people on this subreddit suffer with various severities of depression and take care of themselves and their families just fine. But the difference is they don’t pity themselves. Frankly because the show must go on.

    I’d recommend you do one thing everyday. Go on a walk. It will help you think and with enough time you may find yourself energized enough to willingly pull yourself out or come up with some actionable next steps to get help with your struggle.

  11. There is no such thing as laziness in a psychological sense. There is apathy, a lack of motivation etc… and those are symptoms of depression amongst other things. If they’re bad enough it can be debilitating. What separates normal emotional ups and downs from an illness is that an illness has a severe impact on everyday life. The ability to work or hold down a job is one of those things. So no, ignore anyone who calls someone lazy for any reason. They simply don’t understand or have failed to consider the root cause of the problem. Certainly ignore anyone who would suggest someone suffering from depression is lazy.

    Additionally, depression like other mental illnesses has infinite variety in terms of severity. Some of the people being critical of you in the comments clearly had a manageable time and the tools to carry on and work through it. Ignore their criticism, it applies only to themselves.

  12. The worst thing anyone around a depressed person can do is allow them to wallow.

  13. If you have depression, you are sick. If you are sick, you are not lazy.

    Though, I doubt you’ll find much validation here. You have to validate this for yourself while working on your recovery. Society is harsh and will not cater to an illness they cannot see. Do not give up or surrender to a lifetime of living in your current state.

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