I found this guy and I feel like he might be into my taste of stuff. The thing is we are in a small college, I see him often, is in my class, I know his sister,kinda, and is a friendof a friend. I don’t like awkward situations.I don’t like commitment, I hate being a bad influence on others, We’ve barley talked.

He seemed happy to talk to me and I kinda pulled back like always when that happens. I just feel awkward when I see him and I think that I want to ask him for a kiss..

I don’t know what he’ll say or think but that’s where I am right now.
I just feel curious about what he might think of me, suddenly asking to kiss when we’ve not even really talked..

I saw him today and he gave a small wave as he was talking/ smiling on the phone and I didn’t like that. I am a bit of a dom but like that’s way too weird of me to already, plus at best I’m capable of just being his friend

Help haha
I’m happy to provide more info and replys.

  1. Asking for a kiss is kinda strange and sounds like asking for a request. But I’d say just hang out with more and see were it leads

  2. Yah so, 1st off i gotta say dont feel weird for your kinks, we all (most of us at least) have them. 2nd off you could just tell him how you feel and see if he wants to go out sometime, as a date or casually, whatever you prefer. Idk if you should just ask him to kiss be cause it might make things weird if he has a gf or isnt into woman or something. If you feel to awkward asking him to go do things with you than prob just tell him exactly what you want and respect whatever reply he gives. Either way good luck and i hope it works out!

  3. Ask him for a kiss would definitely be weird. First talk to him, invite him to do something, and at the end of the (what you can call) date, ask him if it’s okay with him if you kiss him. If he says no, then do not push him further. “Okay then! I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. Good bye!” And send him a kiss. If he says yes, then go for it.

  4. Give him a cheek kiss.

    It’s not a sexual kiss, it’s more of an “I like you” or an appreciation kiss

    Then see how he responds and go from there

  5. Give it more time before asking for this call of action this might be toot early or let the guy initiate this offer.

  6. I’m genuinely confused and I do mean this in a nice way, I’m just trying to understand.. so you have no intention on pursuing anything with him? Just want to kiss because you’re attracted to him and it’s unusual for you? So like a platonic kiss? If you’re not looking for anything other than a kiss then you definitely need to let him know that. Like most have said normally there is some build up to kissing, a foundation is normally laid, getting to know each other and seeing where the attraction leads. So my understanding is you aren’t interested in that bit of it, you just want to kiss him simply because you’re attracted to him and nothing further afterwards? Did I get that right? I just need an understanding to be able to give you advice pertaining to your exact situation.

  7. Asking for a kiss seems pretty awkward. As a chick you gotta give him the Bambi eyes.

  8. I recently had a woman ask me if she could make out with me. I was attracted to her and it was a hot make out session.

    With all the craziness around asking consent for a kiss, it was a relief to finally have a woman ask me for consent.

  9. A guy will never turn down a kiss. We’ll be confused but we will happily accept the kiss

  10. Use a little bit of empathy here. Put yourself in his shoes and run through the situation mentally. What if some guy you barely knew walked right up and asked you to kiss him? Would that be awkward, or make you feel weird or upset?

    If you’re an extremely attractive young woman, it could work, otherwise it will probably be pretty awkward. If he’s in a relationship already or if he isn’t a compatible sexuality to you it could be weird.

    Chatting with him and then asking him to do something outside of school is the best way. Like hey let’s get some food here’s my number. Then ask him to kiss you or whatever.

    You say you don’t want to date, well that’s fine but then why do you want to kiss him? What is the end goal? Do you want to have sex or have a FWB or a relationship?

    If you don’t want to date the safer way is still asking him to hang out first, it’s the way people have been doing this for thousands of years and it works. It’s just the least creepy and awkward way.

  11. Okay so the way you worded this whole thing seems a bit weird honestly? You didn’t like him smiling on the phone cause your a dom? Bit confused on that part but you don’t randomly go up to people ask for a kiss without knowing them or having some kinda sign that they wanna kiss you. Imagine if a guy came up to you and asked for a kiss. It would be seen as harassment and it goes the same way. He may just be nice and if you ask for a kiss you may scare him away.

    Take it slow. Go up say hello, ask how he’s doing and how schools going. Maybe even ask him if he’d like to study together or go get coffee and talk. Time will tell if he’s into you or not and then he may even try and kiss you without you having to ask.

    Take social cues and just try and start by being a friend

  12. Hinestly if a girl I barely knew asked me to kiss her out of nowhere I’d start looking for the hidden prank show cameras.

    If you like the guy then get to know him a bit more first, as you talk things should make themselves clearer about both of your feelings about each other and you can go from there. This is dating 101 stuff

  13. If you’re a hot girl, do it because you can do anything and it’s sexy as hell. If you’re not hot though, don’t do it. Basically, if you’re attractive, nothing you do is weird, but if you’re unattractive, don’t even make eye contact

  14. Ask him to study with you to get his opinion on the subject matter. Use that same line and change it to a kiss midway through your study date. Good luck

  15. I think you be better of asking him if you could give him a bj…I think he’d say yes. Kiss, I don’t know, that’s just weird.

  16. Kiss on the cheek to test the waters. Tells him you like him, and you want to escalate, without being creepy.

    This is what i do escalate and i dont see anything wrong with a kiss on the cheek. Perfectly safe while initiating physicality, and sign of intent.

  17. I can understand people saying, you should ask for a date or sth first.

    But I think you do not have anything to lose. Be sweet and tell him that this might be weird, but you are fantasising about kissing him and if he would be up to it.

    After that everything is up to him. He can react in a couple of ways, but maybe you are lucky and he might just say yes and you both have a more or less awkward kiss together.

    Have fun and be brave 🙂

  18. Um, ask for a date first. Given what you’ve told us, there hasn’t been enough social interaction or base built to go in for a kiss yet.

  19. Aye broh, just try and hang out, and by the end of the hangout your gut feeling will know whether to go for a kiss or not, just don’t be a wuss. Just remember, shootas shoot, I sleep better at night knowing I tried and failed than never tried at all

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