If you had a chance to start fresh in a new place, would you take it? And if so, what would you do with the opportunity?

  1. I did just that….

    8 years in Thailand after leaving the UK.

    Came out here volunteering with very little money/security.

    I’m now the South East Asian Director for a multi-national NGO and doing better than I ever have in my life – financially, emotionally and just generally 70%+ ‘a better life’.

  2. I had the chance and I didn’t take it. I don’t know whether I regret not doing it, but I do think about the life I could have had quite regularly. I had a good woman waiting, my best mate was ready to go with me and being over there felt like home.

    Ultimately I couldn’t bring myself to be on the other side of the Atlantic to my dad.

  3. Probably not, because my psychological problems would follow me wherever I go

    It doesn’t matter what’s going on out in “the real world”, my brain is a prison cell I never expect to be able to leave

  4. Yes, but I don’t know where or what I’d do, so that’s the slight problem!!

  5. depends on the environment. I live in Detroit though so pretty much anywhere else in the US would be fine with me

  6. I would in a heartbeat, there’s nothing to me here where I am right now so between nothing and the unknown I pick the unknown.

  7. Depends on what kind of job & where. I live in California and have been fortunate to travel extensively. Only place I would want to live right now is probably So Cal or Western Europe.

  8. Moved across Canada -> east to west

    Went to University for first time at age 33 …. made the Dean’s list

    Led to a new and exciting career that went nowhere

    All for nothing as we had to move back to take care of infirm parents

  9. Beyond magical genie, this could never happen. But if magic did happen. I would try to find a job I like and a women I love.

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