First of all, I’d like to say I would never even consider cheating on my now boyfriend(M17).
Me and P have been dating for 5 years. I love P, however I know that we won’t last forever because he has a major deal breaker of mine that I just can’t live with.

Me and P have a close friend group, including one guy that I’ll call Y. We’ve all been friends for roughly 5 years, but lately I’ve started growing feelings for Y. I feel horrible, but I can’t help but think about the future and having a relationship with someone that has no deal breakers of mine.

I don’t know what to do. I wouldn’t know how to end a 5 year relationship with a person in my close friend group, let alone ending it with P because I have feelings for one of our best friends. Advice?

tl;dr I’m in a relationship and don’t know how to end it to pursue a more fitting relationship

  1. Whether there’s someone else or not you’re interested, you’ve got some dealbreaker with P anyway, it’s unfair to keep that relationship going. You started dating as children, you’re still growing up and things change. Don’t end it for someone else, end it because you need to for you both.

  2. You honestly think it’s right to break up with your bf and then date your mutual friend? You guys share the same circle of friends that’s really fucked up of you to do. Also, if you and Y end up dating be prepared to lose those friends. Let’s hope Y isn’t a shitty person and doesn’t reciprocate. If you already know your relationship won’t last, stop stringing your bf along and just end it. Don’t get with friends that’s shitty, go for someone not in your circle who isn’t friends with your bf.

  3. If you don’t see a future with someone because of a ‘major dealbreaker’ then you should probably break up with them, you’re just wasting his time otherwise and leading him on.

  4. What if the issue is you and not him. Imagine all the flaws he’s overlooked to stay with you for 5 years .

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