My girlfriend and i have been together since two years and currently in a LDR since over an year now since i moved away for my studies. She has been disrespectful to my ex which i understand but she used to abuse her and it used to hurt me. Not cz i had anythinq about my ex but because i felt not accepted.
She then started abusing my family verbally to me and then started abusing me.
All of it makes me loose myself. I feel disrespected and hurt all the time. She claims she has problem with my family even after i have been very clear that i wanna live away from them and that’s what i aim in life. She says they bother her even though they onlv know about her and don’t even talk to her. I don’t know what to do. Will this ever stop? Is it because i am away from her? I keep hoping she will stop one day but everytime this happens i get dragged down lower. Will she respect me ever again?

Tl;dr my girlfriend is disrespectful towards me, my ex and my family. She verbally abuses them and i get hurt. Will this ever stop and will this ever change? Will i get respected at my relationship again?

  1. Break up with her, get back with your ex lol

    But in all seriousness, break up with her. Doesn’t seem like she’s gonna change anytime soon.

  2. >She says they bother her even though they onlv know about her and don’t even talk to her.

    You’re free you choose to date someone who lies to you. I just don’t know why you would.

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