Reading a book, listening to music, going to the gym, playing a video game, watching Angry Joe Show on YouTube, just relaxing by myself is what I love to do on my time off from work. If someone enjoys this why should they go out and make friends? Or improve on social skills?

  1. Well, If you are looking to advance in something, whether it be in your goals, hobbies, etc., part of that will involve you learning how to market yourself to others, which essentially means exhibiting social skills. Nobody is going to realize how great or awesome you are if you have poor social skills.

  2. Because one day you may wake up and realize you no longer want to be alone.

  3. Just as an example there’s a particular product I need a lot of at a drugstore. Well I put off a lot of nice friendly attitude toward the workers there, and one clerk mentioned to me she was in charge of ordering that product for the store, so if I felt I needed more she could make sure they had it.

    There are benefits to being a friendly person, and it isn’t that difficult to ‘connect’ with people, even in brief interactions.

    In fact, that’s one of the best places to practice!

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