Men who like innocent women or “good girls,” what is so attractive about it?

  1. Well, now that you put it in quotations, you are gonna have to explain what your definition of innocent/good women is.

  2. A “bad bitch” is all visual with no substance. Mistaking being an asshole for “keeping it real”

  3. they are almost always more well adjusted. like even putting the actual promiscuity aside, every really promiscuous woman ive ever met was not a well adjusted human being.

  4. It’s exhausting to deal with a partner who sees you as an authority figure she needs to rebel against or a traumatized person who projects her inner demons onto your relationship.

  5. Typically because they match my life style and personality better than other variations. Of course that’s a blanket statement that can’t apply to all “good girls” but in general I have found that true.
    Innocent women have implied attractive qualities like self-control and patience, which are timeless and always attractive. It’s a different allure than overtly sexual or even buoyantly attractive. Nothing wrong with those other gals, it’s just a different wavelength.

  6. Less likely to get your car keyed or tires (or throat) slashed would be my guess. Those of us who were raised in a stable and secure nuclear families likely had mothers who were “good girls” and would like to replicate that experience. Those who were not, would like to avoid repeating that.

    For men, it’s all about probabilities. Some women can’t understand that concept. For example: Yes, some single moms are wonderful. No, I am not spending my time to figure out which ones are. I’d rather miss out on them entirely.

  7. It implies she was raised right. Also, I’d be motivated to be as good as she is.

  8. They have both a pureness and maturity about them. Definitely someone that I want to be with!

  9. This feels like a loaded question.

    But I’ll answer it anyway

    Most people I know are dodgy but the women who aren’t tend to be “pleasant” to be around and have no baggage to bother you or others with. They sometimes smile a bit more and aren’t as selfish, so a bit more trust worthy

    They also tend not to lead with sexual attractiveness.

    None of this means they’re perfect or anything or lack personality or are doormats, just that these women are good to be around more.

  10. Type in Stephanie Melgoza into google and you’ll see the opposite of the good girls we like. Women who are promiscuous tend to be narcissistic, impulsive and lack moral fortitude. As for the causal relationship between those factors, I don’t know. But there is DEFINITELY a correlation.

  11. it sends the signal of a girl who will be more loving and gentle and who will have less chance of cheating on us.
    But it can be true like or it can be a mask.

  12. A good girl has far less baggage from previous relationships, her expectations are modest. These are the general qualities that makes her attractive.

    I have personal reasons that are specific to me, I want my SO to have the same level of experience as I am, I can’t stand the idea of a girl having many relationships before me, and my idea of a good and long lasting relationship includes a partner with whom I explore the mysterious lands of romantic relationships hand in hand.

  13. Because they’re worth it…worth the commitment and worth investing in.

  14. I wont say “good girls” that’s cringe, but… people that doesn’t have such a cynnical outlook to life.

    Someone that stills finds new and exciting stuff like board games, a walk in the park, a quick unplanned escapade to the movies. Its amazing to teach someone something new, to help them discover something they like or something about themselves, and I would like someone open to that sort of experience.

    I’m already pretty cynical, someone that’s like me would probably be exciting, but we might crash a lot into each other.

  15. They usually turn out to be very honest and trustworthy. I married one 51 years ago, and never once have I caught her lying when asked a straightforward question. She has never done anything to make me jealous or suspect her of cheating, and she has always been completely transparent in our marriage. I got one of the best good girls available at the time I was ready to marry.

  16. My life has been an unrelenting, miasma of chaos and misery, I could use a little sunshine.

    To be clear not depressed, I was built to endure. I could just use a little innocence as the antithesis of my own being

  17. As someone else put, their femininity.

    I prefer innocent women (what OP calls ‘good girls’). Firstly, I’ve been around such women my whole lives. That’s what I prefer.

    They don’t have baggage and are, in a sense, ‘pure’.

    You don’t need to overthink with them. They’re gentle, caring, kind, and loving. They’re mature, empathetic, forgiving, and forgivable. They’re not promiscuous and it’s easier to trust them. They’re honest and trustworthy, and do not lie. There’s not much jealousy in the relationship. They’re willing to fight for the relationship. They don’t keep grudges or let bitterness ruin the relationship. They’re patient.

    They’re cute. They lead by their inner beauty rather than their outer one.

    It’s easy to reciprocate kindness and goodness to someone who’s nice, and kind and good themselves. It’s easy to trust someone who’s trustworthy. It’s easier to improve yourself if you have a model to look up to. It’s easy to fall and remain in love with them.

  18. I love innocent in the sense that they don’t have sex with lots of men? Its the desire to want an attractive women that every man wants but no man can have.

  19. They are usual good people, have self-respect, and make good partners.

  20. I am frustrated with many things. I want it to end, somebody who can do good and stand out for kindness soothes that frustration. It’s impressive to consistently be mild, even though knowledgeable about the world and equipped with ethics.

  21. Loyalty. I could care less if she’s taken over 100 dicks in every hole she’s got, she oughta see how many I’ve had, but what makes her the supposed “good Girl” is loyalty. There have been way too many stories about how wives/fiances/girlfriends etc all got comfortable and then wanted their bills paid and the happy homelife while still going out and being the party favor for the entire office or work crew on the weekends.

    I want a wife that takes the wedding vows seriously as a commitment to be with just me as soon as she say’s I do.

  22. Well…I’m looking to start a family, get married and have kids. So these types of women SEEM like the type that want this as well.

  23. Fellas is it weird to be attracted to women who are good people and kind to you?

  24. I just want to date someone whose going to give me the same unconditional love and kindness I want to give them. A “bad girl” is purely lust and often times will lead to drama, yes it’s fun, but as you get older you learn what works better for you.

  25. Trashy women are well…Trashy. Someone with a history of making good decision is worth building a life with.

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