Why do I feel like I gave a bad impression? Did I?

I was at school today and came across a friend. We had a good talk and then I went home; this is at about 2pm. I told him I might go to the club meeting later on; at four. So I went home and thought about it. Getting home I realized I should’ve just stayed at school if I was going to go to the club meeting and thought why am I here alone if I can be over there socializing and creating new friendships with people who are also in the same path as me, carreer wise, and who i can learn from? So I went to the meeting.

This wasn’t the first meeting I had gone to, but I haven’t gone to many, and to the ones I have gone I haven’t really socialized much, but i try to. I got to the meeting and sat in the back, because the front seemed pretty crowded. They presented the new officers and then we had some pizza. I talked to two guys in there and then I just sort of turned off. There were many people in there who I saw myself talking with but I just didn’t. I said what’s up to the ex president as I was walking by him and he asked “how are you?” and I said “good and you?” But i kept walking to grab a slice of pizza and sat back down. I felt awkard. There were groups of people talking to each other and I knew people in those groups and I wanted to try to join in on any conversations but it didn’t happen. I stood up to leave and as i was walking out my friend sees me and asks if im leaving already and i said yes. We talked about something else for a little and then I started saying bye and then he asks me if i went home and then came back? And i told him “yeah, i went then realized i have nothing to do and came back.” Then we said bye and I went back home.

Like…where did my social skills go? How does this make me look? How can I fix and improve?

1 comment
  1. These interactions all sound pretty minimal. That can make you seem distant or shy.

    Before I greet someone, I try and think about a topic or two I can talk to them about. Maybe we have a hobby in common, or there’s something new happening in one of our lives. After I greet them, I’ll bring up the topic with them. Hopefully, they respond and add to conversation, and from there it’s much easier.

    When approaching a group, if I know everyone there, I’ll either greet the group with a “Hey guys” or a wave. If I only know a person or two, I’ll go up to the ones that I recognize and talk to them.

    Socializing is about exchanging questions, answers, and quips in an enjoyable way. When you find someone you have social chemistry with, it can feel almost effortless.

    Once you’ve found someone you click with, you can build stronger friendships. These people can become friends you’ll hang out with when you have free time, or even support you when you’re facing problems.

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