Can you give a good reason why you are still single?

  1. Simply because I do not have the desire to. I find it more liberating and rewarding to be single, in my experiences.

  2. Bad luck and a mix of my flaws. I’m not an asshole just stuff like communicating or showing affection

  3. Haven’t met anyone who’s interested me in the past 2 years. Not going to jump into a relationship just for the sake of not being single.

  4. I’m a nerd, so a woman who has anything in common with me has an abundance of options

    This makes the competition much steeper and the women don’t value monogamy much when they have options like that

  5. I refuse to put effort into average and get barely anything back.
    I’m either putting effort into above average or be single.

  6. I genuinely have no interest in dating or relationships right now. I have more important things to worry about than dying alone.

  7. Probably lack of trying. However, any attempt I make is usually denied. Barely any first dates.

  8. It’s not easy watching over Gotham City when you’re in a relationship

  9. I’m still working on myself and I don’t think I’m at a point where I can give a relationship 100%. Which frankly is just unfair to my SO.

  10. Lol my grandma would tell you she has no clue. My downsides primarily involve tunnel vision… I’m so goal oriented if I’m after something that’s what I’m after, it’s either 100% invested or not invested at all (this goes for financial goals/ hobbies/gym and what not). So it’s hard to find balance for me in terms of saving money/time to accomplish a milestone or spending money/time for enjoyment which I believe is necessary for a relationship.

    I don’t think ladies my age want someone who is so invested in the future compared to the given moment (I’m 25). Previous relationships all seemed to be affected by this quality I have… while they were fine putting thousands of dollars on a credit cards to travel or do something I was not willing, due to me deeming it irresponsible with my current funds.

    I want a partner to grow with, personally, Financially, all of it… but i don’t think many woman my age are interested in that level commitment /=

    ^also I could be completely wrong and just be a piece of shit but you’d have to ask the exes hahaha

  11. Too socially awkward to attract irl.
    Too ugly for online dating.
    Somewhat of a hermit.

  12. I’m single, simple because I’m still not putting myself out there enough AND the way I’m living doesn’t allow for people to know me well.

    Eg. I’m still struggling with my general hygiene, my house is a mess, I’m starting to gain weight etc like I’m starting to wonder if I’m depressed because it’s really hard for me to give a damn.

    I’ve improved though.. I present myself a lot better considering how I was, my social skills have improved and I have a general group of friends now which makes it easier to talk to women, but still…

    There’s a long way to go, at least to get the type of woman I want anyway.

  13. I’ve never really tried looking, because I’m clueless when it comes to these things. So, instead, I focused on my hobbies, maybe too much.

    Also, I often walk around lost in thoughts, and my “walking around lost in thoughts” face is way too similar to “considering mass murder” face. Combined with average appearance (at best), I feel like it’s impossible to get anything going.

  14. I simply don’t bother with relationships. It’s not worth the effort.

  15. At my age, High value Women have already settled down, and what is left can’t hold a Man, and are loaded with emotional baggage. Life for me is simpler and I am far happier being single.

    I guess that is one unfair advantage Men have over Women. A single Man is often viewed by their peers as being wise and a Single Woman is viewed by her peers as a fucking tragedy.

  16. Haven’t found anyone I’d want to date since my last breakup.

    My last dates were:

    – passionate about COVID being a US-conspiracy
    – painfully boring to talk to and required me to do everything
    – a liar who told me she couldn’t see me for two weeks for our fourth date even though she was hooking up with some other random guy who she saw once during a party. His roommate is a buddy of my best friend is how I found out.

  17. Less drama, less responsibility, freedom, trust issues, being able to see the 🚩’s

  18. I haven’t found the right person. No relationship can be better than a bad one

  19. Im ugly and broke. No status either. I don’t talk to lots of women too.

  20. I’m single because I’ve never had the intrinsic self worth to think I’m worthy of a relationship. The messaging in media/movies etc. to young men since we were born has been that our very existence and competitiveness is oppressive to women. But that we also are expected to fulfil all the traditional masculine goals in order to be worthy of a goddess which is called woman.

    Plus all the beautiful women seem to always be taken by some other rich/very good looking guy.

  21. -I’ve worked on myself enough and improved my self-confidence that it’s actually raised my standards because I expect the same from a potential partner.

    -I’m decent looking but not noticeably attractive so I’m rarely the hottest in the room, meaning that my dating pool mostly consists of people who don’t think they need to put in the work that I have.

    -While I do have a lot of confidence in myself and what I can bring in a relationship, I have almost zero confidence in other people to recognize that.

    -A lack of experience means I suck at flirting, and not getting complimented on stuff means I don’t even think to compliment other people on stuff because it’s just not something my brain is used to worrying about.

    -A lot of bad luck and bad timing.

  22. I put absolutely zero effort into not being single. The few relationships I’ve had in my life have literally fallen into my lap.

  23. I am an alcoholic with cptsd, and need to work on getting my shit together before I can focus on anyone else

  24. I been single for 4 years and my reason for being single is that in my previous relationships I was very controlling and manipulative. It didn’t take my until last year when I started talking to a therapist that I realized the damaged I caused to my exs. So I’ve been building the better person I want to become then I’ll focus on relationships.

    I’d rather be a whole person looking for a relationship then a broken one

  25. I want to do things that I want to do. I want to buy things I want to buy. I just don’t want to have to compromise half of my hobbies.

  26. Not attracted to the people that are attracted to me, and not attractive to the people that I’m attracted to lol.

  27. Talking to women outside of a platonic level scares me shitless and feels like a giant chore that i really just don’t want to deal with.

  28. I’m not good looking enough to do well on the apps. Maybe one match per month that fizzles after a day.

    I should go out more, because I’m fine with meeting new people and having conversations. But I haven’t had much luck. Most women my age are married and out with husbands. Or they’ve got three kids and I’m not interested in that. Plus my friends are all settled and don’t want to go out. Plus I’m sober so it’s weird to go out and only drink water.

    But I also have family obligations or just need to decompress from spending 40 hours on my feet at work when I’ve got a fused spine. I don’t care for outdoors activities but that’s huge where I live. I’m more of a city guy.

  29. Been there, done that with the dating thing. The juice really isn’t worth the squeeze. I have a few FWB and outside of *those* needs, there’s really nothing modern women can do for me that I can’t do for myself.

    I’d like to have kids one day, so I’ll try the waters again in a few years. For now – I am single, happy(well.. sometimes), I keep *all* my money, and I’ve got a man *and* a woman who are both down to fuck basically whenever. I have all I need.

  30. Fuck this. Relationships aren’t the goal, and you aren’t a failure for not having one. I love my own company, I love my schedule and my priorities. I’ve had a few long term relationships, decided they don’t do anything for me, and get to do everything I love and share it with my friends and myself. I can get laid when I feel like it and have a decent social life.

    I feel slightly bad for people who can’t be alone or have been conditioned to think you MUST have a companion. They settle for anyone and waste everyones time. Put yourself first and be available and ready if you happen to come across a legitimately compatible attraction some day.

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