eta:some amazing suggestions keep ’em coming!

  1. Don’t interfere in a domestic dispute; the odds are extremally high they will both turn on you

  2. When changing a tire, take the tire off and stick it under the car.

    Another one: If someone is getting electrocuted, drop kick the shit out of them.

  3. Wear a helmet in cases you need one. If you ask “Should I be wearing one?” The answer is yes.

  4. Have someone spot you when you go up a ladder.

    Always assume firearms are loaded. Always double-check.

    Never mix bleach with ammonia.

    Stay the fuck away from downed powerlines.

    If you get mugged, give them what they want. Don’t be a hero.

    When in an unfamiliar place or city, maintain situational awareness out in public.

  5. Don’t get under a car if it’s only on a car jack. Don’t answer trap questions. Only break one law at a time.

  6. If you have to use a chainsaw AND a ladder don’t do it. Leave it to the pros.

  7. Wear protective glasses when trimming the yard, cutting wood, etc. yours eyes will thank you

  8. Always wear your safety glasses and ear plugs. You damage those organs and nothing is coming back.

  9. I do a lot of general maintenance in commercial buildings.

    1. If you’re not sure of what you’re doing. Just don’t do it.

    2. Confirm power is off with a meter. Don’t what that means? Don’t touch electrical.

    3. If handling or near something you can’t lift with one hand and it’s falling or tipping, just get out of the way.

    4. Danger/Stay Out signs are posted for a reason. The threat may not be obvious to you, and that’s the problem.

    5. Don’t do any amount of *stretching* off a ladder. Of all the dangerous tasks and things we deal with, ladder falls are the number one thing guys miss work due to injury from. It doesn’t take a high fall to hurt or kill you.

  10. Nephew is an emergency room nurse….don’t stick anything up you butt that wasn’t design for such things and can be pulled out.

  11. If something gets stuck in a snowblower, do NOT put your hand in to get it out

    The pressure of the lodged object creates stored energy in the spinners and will release and chop off whatever’s inside once the object is dislodged

  12. Own a good first aid kit with a tourniquet (life threatening blood loss) and aspirin (heart attack)

  13. If you have children or children who play in your neighborhood ALWAYS double check the area around your car before driving away. Just because they were standing in one place when you got in the vehicle does not mean they are still there.

  14. The basic rules of gun safety:

    1. Every gun is always loaded. It doesn’t matter if you just unloaded it, it’s loaded. It’s not “treat it as if it’s loaded,” IT IS LOADED. Never break that mentality.

    2. Never aim a gun at something you aren’t willing to entirely obliterate. And never at a person or animal.

    3. Finger off the trigger until you are about to shoot.

    4. Know definitively what your target is and what is behind it.

    5- this is one I’ve added to the list. Blanks are not safe either. Do not be fooled into thinking that they are. They can still be incredibly powerful and dangerous.

  15. don’t fucking doubt your gut, man. intuition is a life saver in and of itself.

  16. Most amateur hobbyists know this already but… do NOT fuck with the electrical systems of microwaves unless you are 110% certain the capacitor has been discharged safely. Those things can hold enough energy to instantly kill the shit out of you.

  17. A jack alone is not enough. Your life is worth more than the $0.005 gasket holding the hydraulic pressure. Always use 3 points of contact. Jack, jackstand and a wheel under the car. Once you’ve raised and secured jt, before you get under it, shake the whole car. Try to get it to fall. If it doesn’t, as it shouldn’t, check and recheck your jack and stands. Only then get under the car. And have a spotter that can call 911 within earshot. If they need to go inside for a bathroom break, get your ass out from under the car until they get back.

  18. Keep a floatation device between you and a drowning person, even if they’re smaller than you. Even if they look unconscious.

  19. Sleep with you door shut. Unlike Ghosts, fire Can’t go through doors. Been to a couple house fires where one room was totally burnt up, and on the other side of the door there was just some smoke marks.

  20. Never work under a vehicle supported only by a jack.

    Never use gasoline as an accelerant or starting fluid.

    If something tripped a breaker or blew a fuse, there’s probably a good reason why. You could start a fire if you don’t find the cause.

    Don’t use a soldering iron on a carpeted surface.

    Private property and no trespassing signs are there for a reason. Don’t get shot, or tripped up in a trap.

    My wife wants to add: don’t ever mess around with someone’s fabric scissors.

  21. If you have concerns about your health, get it checked out. Don’t wait if you can avoid it.

  22. Be aware. If you’re in an area with a lot of women and kids it’s probably a safer area.

    Do not go into a business with blacked out windows. They don’t want you seeing in for a reason.

    Know your drink limits not everyone has your best interest. I’ve known multiple people who’s gotten their drinks spiked.

    Always tell a taxi driver you’ve been to an area. Usually nothing bad will happen other than them taking a longer route to rack up more money.

  23. Don’t chisel the ice off an hvac or refrigeration unit. You could puncture the tubing and get a face full of gas that will be like a frostbite chemical burn.

  24. Never jump into the water to save someone drowning. They WILL try to kill you and it’s not their fault. Throw them a lifeline/raft.

  25. Got this advice from an old-timer when doing trail maintenance. “Never step on something you can step over. Never step over something you can step around”

  26. – If there’s a sign that’s warning of danger listen to it. Someone died to make that sign to necessary.

    – If you ever ask yourself if you should be wearing PPE the answer is always yes.

    – All guns are loaded, all knives are razor sharp, all power tools are still connected to power. Never take risks with dangerous tools, they take no prisoners.

    – If you think someone is following you go around in a square/ circle. If you reach the end and they’re still there, they’re following you. Go to a police or fire station straight away, never lead them back to your house.

    – The ice probably isn’t thick enough to support your weight and cold water shock kills. If you do go through ice, spread your body weight out as much as possible and crawl back to solid ground. The shock will make it hard to breathe and move your muscles you have to fight it as best you can.

    – The calmest part of the beach, with the fewest waves, is actually the most dangerous. It’s the channel that’s taking all the water back out to sea and even a strong swimmer can’t fight that current. If you get caught in the current, swim sideways along the beach until you’re out of the channel then swim diagonally back to shore.

    – if you’re ever in an enclosed space and suddenly start to feel really sleepy or light headed get out immediately, carbon monoxide is odourless and can suffocate you in minutes. Also if you ever smell gas get out quick, gas explosions are no jokes.

  27. Mt. Everest is covered with the bodies of highly motivated people, so calm the fk down!

  28. If a tornado looks like it isn’t moving, that’s because it’s moving towards you.

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