For example, if the closing date for applications is 15th May, does that mean the 15th is included, or does it mean the application has to be in by 23:59 on the 14th?

  1. It means midnight on the 15th, unless they specify a specific time (e.g. 17:00 on the 15th)

  2. Nobody knows, because it depends. It’s a pet peeve of mine. Kinda like when people say “bi-weekly” which could mean twice a week or every two weeks depending on who you speak to. Basically, you would have to reach out to whoever you are submitting an application to. Generally I take it as including the day off, up until the end of a normal working day, around 4 or 5pm, but again, that could be wrong. If it is an important application I would always consider the “day of” as excluded just to be safe.

  3. I’ve always gone 23.59 the day before , if it doesn’t specify a time on the day like 12:00 or 17:00. I might be wrong but just to be cautious. You could probably ask if you’re running out of time but if you have time, go early to be safe.

    It’s annoying it doesn’t say.

  4. It can vary – it could mean the above, but also midday on the 15th or “close of business” (17:00). If in doubt; check!

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