Why do I always feel like the whole world is doing everything it can to make me miserable and why do I feel like the world just wants to see me fail.

It’s most likely a victim mindset, but I don’t even know how to overcome that. I can’t JUST get higher self esteem.

  1. It could be a victim mindset, you could do further research on that, how it comes about, how do change it. Then put in the self reflection and work. It could also just be depression and you may need medication to overcome it.

  2. well- i think you’re on the right path. you recognize that there’s something wrong with this way of thinking. i used to be the same way. i got out of it by first recognizing when i was having these types of thoughts and simply seeing them for what they are. you don’t have to believe your feelings/thoughts all the time. they come and go- acknowledge when they come and tell yourself you don’t have to believe them- your mind makes inferences sometimes. it’s just trying to protect you after all. as for the low self esteem, it’s helped me to be kinder to myself. the world is hard enough as is without the person i’m spending the rest of my life with (me) being a bully to myself. this is really hard to do though- especially when you’ve been thinking bad thoughts about yourself for awhile. focus on your strengths, encourage yourself when you feel down, and be mindful of when you start feeling low. it’s helped me to imagine myself as a toddler- why am i being so mean to her? you deserve a wonderful life and i wish you well. i hope that helped somewhat 😬

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