I was watching youtube, and there is a couple that call their in laws Mr & Mrs last name. They explained that the mothers have said “you can call me by my first name” but they feel like it’s disrespectful so stick to Mr and Mrs. This seems crazy formal to me and I doubt it is the norm but now i am curious, do you or anyone you know do this?

  1. I call them by their first name.

    Last name was like when we were dating.

    It’s awkward so I generally don’t say their name.

  2. If I was married, never. Kids called adults by first names my whole life. Maybe it was a neighborhood thing but the people across the way were never mr. or mrs. It would be teachers or people that insist on being called doctor.

    I know no one and I would not like it either.

  3. Mister Firstname and Mrs Firstname. Addressing them by their given names is, I don’t know, they’re old people from the Mississippi and Tennessee. Probably good to be a little respectful. But that’s not universal, my wife calls my mom by her first name only.

  4. I call my in-laws by their first name, my husband calls my parents a mix of their first names and mom and dad. It switched from Mr/Mrs to first names at marriage for him but I always did first name as my MIL would make dumb comments if I called her Mrs.

    My parents called their in-laws by their first name but I do have memories of my dad calling my moms parents mom and dad occasionally. My in-laws referred to their as Mr/Mrs.

  5. My dad called my Grandma Mrs. Lastname from the time my parents were married, until my grandma died.

    Most of my older Southern relatives are like that.

  6. First names. They’ve said I can call them Mom and Dad, but I retired those names from my vernacular after my parents died.

  7. Mom and Dad in their respective languages.

    It’s common to do in India so that’s what I call them. But the main reason is because they truly are like my second parents.

    (For context, I am not Indian)

  8. It’s a weird thing about me personally, but I don’t think I’ve called my in-laws anything in tb ten years I’ve been married to their daughter.

    I’d feel weird calling them something like mom and dad (though that’s what my wife uses with my parents), I’d feel weird calling them by their first names. I’d feel weird calling them Doctor and Mrs. last name

    So I just avoid it

  9. My wife calls my parents ‘Mom’ and ‘Dad’.

    I call her parents ‘Mom’ and ‘Mike’ cause her dad is a fucking prick and I’m not calling him ‘Dad’.

  10. I call my in-laws by their first names. I don’t remotely feel accepted as a member of their family and they didn’t even try to attend our wedding.
    My spouse calls my parents Mom and Dad. They were the parents that supported us.

  11. I used to use Mr. and Mrs. until I found out that they posted repeat questions only a week or so old on r/AskAnAmerican. Now I just call them “Hey you!” or “That one!”

  12. I call them by their first name. I don’t even call my parents Mr. and Mrs. nor even sir and ma’am.

  13. I don’t really call them anything when I am speaking to them. If I had to I would probably use their first names. They never instructed me to call them anything particular. I think they probably just said I am M’s mom/dad. If I am taking about them I would say they were my spouse’s mom or dad. “Hey, your dad called.” Or my child’s gradma L or grandpa A.

    They have never been a parent like figure to me and were abusive and barely parents to my spouse so calling them mom and dad is not something I would feel comfortable with.

    My mil is on her 3rd marriage and 4th surname. So I met her when she was Mrs. F but she is now Mrs. R. I have referred to his stepfathers by their first names as that is what my spouse used.

    My fil remarried just before I married my spouse. His wife is younger than me. Calling her Mrs. K or mom is too weird.

    I don’t know anyone who after marriage calls their inlaws by Mr or Mrs last name.

  14. I call them by their first names. I feel like though if I had grown up around them, like if my wife and I had been childhood friends and I was used to calling them Mr. and Mrs. Last name, then I probably still would. Like I know of a few adults I grew up around and I just can’t imagine myself calling them by their first names.

  15. I used to do that but now with kids, I just say Grammy and pop since I always see them with my kids

  16. They told me to use first names, but that quickly devolved into the grandparent names, as I had a five yr old from a previous marriage.

    Edited to add: many friends call their in-laws Mr/Mrs First Names. I think that’s a southern thing.

  17. Both my wife and I try not to ever call them, but that’s what happens when the in laws are toxic.

  18. My husband and I call all by their first names. I will occasionally refer to his parents as “Suegro/Suegra” which is FIL/MIL in Spanish. (Much more common to use the title as an address in Spanish than in English)

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