I’m a college student and I’m back home for summer. But we recently moved, so ‘home’ is now in a totally different state than where I grew up. I don’t know anyone here unfortunately, so at times, it does get a little lonely. But frankly I have a lot to do with an internship coming up, going to the gym, studying, hobbies, and playing videogames with friends from my old state, so I don’t really mind it since it is short-lived anyways.

Anyways, my mom thought it would be a good idea to invite this family over for lunch that she has met once at some cultural event. They have a son the same age as me but we have never met. I don’t even know his name. I would be more comfortable meeting him if it happened naturally but this just feels a little forced and is making me a little anxious. I don’t even really have that much stuff in my house to entertain him with like an XBOX or PS.

Does anyone know how to approach these situations? I have an idea of asking my mom to cancel the lunch assuming it was solely for us to meet and instead getting his contact information and going to the gym together at some point instead of an awkward lunch. But assuming this lunch is the first time I am going to meet him, any suggestions on what should I do?

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