What is the scariest or creepiest experience you have had??

  1. Have seen/heard worse things happen to some of my friends but creepy old men trying to ask for “pics” of me on the internet. Like bro, I’m a minor, that’s creepy. And obviously, I report them 👍

  2. When I was working at a remote bar I had 4 guys come in as the only customers and at some point they go ” where is everyone else? Are you the only one here?”.

    I naively said ” ya I’m all alone here for the next 6 hours.” I realized my mistake when I watched one of them excuse themselves to their car. They stayed longer and walked around the bar/restaurant as I tried to phone my boss who of course didn’t respond but 15 mins later thank god the blue collar guys from the local quarry walked in and were always friendly.

    But ya it was one of the scariest experiences of my life and I don’t know if it was a misunderstanding on my part or what but I hated it.

  3. Sa tw.
    I hung out with this older guy alone one time and he pushed himself onto me along w his friend. I should’ve listened to my gut abt him because I thought he was creepy before that. I lost my sex drive for about 5 years after that.

  4. I was out hiking by myself in a remote area and needed to pee. I trespassed on private property to do so, not realising it was private, and had a gun pointed at me.

  5. Remember a few years ago when the whole creepy Clown thing was happening 🤡 Well my husband and I had a creepy experience one night driving to my parents house. They live basically in the middle of nowhere. We saw someone dressed up as a clown holding balloons just standing on the side of the road. My boyfriend almost ran over him because he was like standing kind of on the road. Scared the crap out of us. We went to my parents house and called the police. They did catch the guy. He was just trying to scare people. That’s crazy. So freaking creepy!!!!

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