Example: I heard in a podcast that some players request their hotel pillows to be filled with a specific animal feather.

  1. Are you sure they weren’t just asked ng for goose-down? Which is a common variety of pillow that anyone can ask for at a hotel.

  2. Probably the same kind of luxuries that any extremely wealthy person would have.

  3. They probably get to do sex with a lot of different women and drive fancy cars

  4. What does NBA have to do with this?

    But I general professional athletes are put up in luxury hotels when traveling. But anyone staying at a Four Seasons, JW Marriott, Ritz Carlton, etc… can get their pillows customized. It’s a thing at luxury hotels, a pillow menu.

  5. Hmm. Well, I dated one.

    Tickets. You want tickets to any show? You got them. You got them in the owners box if you want. Sometimes it’s a bunch of the players because they offer it to the team.

    Clothes? Sports equipment? They just SEND YOU STUFF. Golf clubs. Shoes, etc. My friend had huge room with just sports equipment and clothes and shoes that were just sent.

    You wanna take your kid to Disney or somewhere? So your PR dept reaches out and you get hooked up.

    Lot of the stuff is just regular rich guy stuff. Private bankers, staff that will do annoying shit like go pick your car up in NYC when it gets delivered from Germany or something.

    Local businesses love to have a player show up for a couple hours. Great pay and usually some nice gift cert for a few thousand bucks for jeweler or clothes or whatever else their business is. Typically a car dealer also connects with a team and you get to have whatever car they have. So it’s never like a Lamborghini dealership. Just some big Toyota or Ford dealership.

    That these guys can stay faithful is amazing. It’s like a diet. You can be good for 23.45 hours a day – but sometimes you just lack willpower. When women are throwing themselves at you EVERY DAY- I can see how someone can have a weak or impaired moment and cheap. Like I seriously think it’s a difficult task not fucking up.

    There’s a lot of down sides, but a lot of perks.

  6. The pillow thing is more a function of level of hotel NBA teams stay at when they travel. All guests of Four Seasons or Ritz-Carlton hotel can request such amenities as specific type and density fill of pillow.

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