As a female traveling form a visit from my parents house to a country knows for skinny woman I am in dire need of help. In the country I work and will be traveling to it’s normal to “joke” about stuff like that and I never honestly found a good enough reply to this question. I don’t wornt to come off as insecure or “bothered” so I usually smile and laugh it off, but I want to gain a better way to deal with this situation.

Any advice or perhaps personal experience in this matter is appreciated 🙂

Edit: I was not expecting such an amazing response! Thank you for all your suggestions, I now have polite/bity/sassy responses in my mind and will definitely use them depending on occasions. I apologize if I couldn’t answer all of your comments and I wish all the Redditors here who read my full story and took their time to understand my question positive vibes and to have a lucky day 😾

  1. “Nope. I’ve always been fat. But since we’re talking about weight, how about you? Have you always been that weight – like even when you were a teenager? I’m really curious.”

  2. I have a client who keeps pulling this… she’s a little old lady so I’m trying really hard not to go scorched earth, but so far my responses to “you look like you’ve gained weight” have been:

    “Nope! So Anyway…”

    “Thanks!” *big smile, walk away*

    “Yeah you too, huh?”

  3. “No thank you for asking, have you been sleeping well you look awful”

  4. Yes. Thank you for noticing. This is the weight I am most comfortable with.

  5. Cheerfully:

    Yes, thanks for noticing! It seems like now both of us might lose a few pounds!

  6. Honest answer, if you want to be somewhat polite/professional, while also letting them know that they’re being rude, just reply “that’s a very personal question”

  7. I don’t respond politely to explicitly rude questions. I’d say it like it is: “that’s very rude of you to ask.”

  8. Just say “yes I’m on a bulk” and then pick them up and throw them or if they’re bigger than you (male) punch them in the balls and go “Hooo aaaaa “(like Al Pacino) / (female) uppercut them and go “Hooo aaaa”.

    I adjusted the Pre “Hooo aaaa” steps by sex as women don’t have balls but I want to be unbiased and make sure every party endures physical pain.

    Feel free to comment your iterations to this method.

  9. Honestly asking, why do you need to be polite? If it’s common for someone to ask that kind of question generally it should probably be common for you to respond with “Suck my dick” or whatever you want to tell them to suck

  10. “You know, it’s really not polite to ask people questions like that.” In the most condescending, patronizing tone you can muster. Like a parent scolding a child.

  11. I used to have a friend who was super into lifting weights and, if anyone asked about this, she pretended they were talking about her “gains” and would start literally flexing on people.

  12. My family does this every single time I visit. It doesn’t matter if I’ve just lost 20lbs, they will say: you look like you’re gaining weight. My best friend visited as I was at my Mom’s place and did the same thing to her. I was mortified. My Mom is 74 so I try to brush it off. She recently did the same to my daughter who is 20. My daughter was respectful but visibly annoyed.

  13. “No, but it looks like you did.”. Be sure to grab their sides as you say this.

  14. “Not really but thanks for asking. Have you ever tried botox btw? It might help”

  15. I have a sarcastic personality so I would say, “it takes a really socially adjusted person to ask that.” Then move on.

  16. “Yeah, did you?” It’s confident and they can’t get mad at you because it’s what they just asked you.

  17. I love this thread so much! Got asked this a week ago my some “friends” & I had no idea how to respond to it but now I wish I had said one of these things lmao

    but fr just thank them for being so obsessed w you & move on w your amazing life

  18. These need to be said as cheerily as possible:

    “I suppose I have put on a few pounds! How have *you* been, though? You look ex*hausted*!”


    “Yes I suppose I have! By the way, I noticed you’ve got some wrinkles showing up on your face. Age is irreversible, you know! Might get some anti-aging cream before it’s WAY too late, you know what I mean?” Then wave as you leave. This one only works if they’re 30+ years old.

  19. ”i can’t help it. Your husband is a great cook”. ”your mom prefers me. “I’ve noticed that you’re too skelatoresque and went another way ” ”no.i can afford food” ”my husband likes it when I look like a normal person “

  20. In the most lighthearted tone:

    “..are you keeping track of my booOOody??? OooooOoooo someone has a ~crush~!!”

    Read as naively sweet as possible in their worst nightmare. I would absolutely just 5 year old them as long as they 5y/o you. good luck !

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