I was texting this guy all going well. And he’s just started being really really slow to txt back or not txting at all. Not liking my posts. Not flirting with me as much. I feel really gutted about it all! Why did I have so much pinned on this. Why does rejection hurt so much? I didn’t even really know him x

  1. Some details are needed:
    – How long have you been talking?
    – Have you let end gone on any dates? If not, have you at least video chatted?
    – What are your ages?

    If you haven’t met yet or haven’t been dating consistently then it doesn’t matter. You shouldn’t be putting a stranger at the top of your totem pole to give you this much anxiety and put forth all your mental energy. It’s not healthy to attach to someone just because you’re texting and they’re flirty. That’s nothing deep, there’s nothing that’s formed yet. You can talk endlessly to someone on text but until you meet and go on some dates you don’t know who they are at all.

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