I’m currently 19 years old and over the last year’s I’ve come to realize how non-existent my social life actually is. Outside of like 3 or 4 friends (2 of those I actually see more than once every few months), I don’t actually have anyone else I really spend time with and I don’t even know how to meet new people, letalone how to start a conversation or keep it going etc.

I’m totally inept when it comes to speaking to new people, which is weird because I feel like I can handle small talk somewhat ok. Holy hell, I even struggle while talking to my friends sometimes, it’s really depressing.

I know the number 1 place to meet new people is hobbies but honestly, I don’t have any social hobbies, nor do I really want one, almost every hobby I can think of just seems incredibly boring or is way too expensive. Couple that with being scared when meeting new people, it seems hopeless in all honesty.

Work is also really not a great place to meet people, my coworkers are not really the kind of people I’d wanna be friends with to be honest.

Is there any way for me to actually make friends or at the very least get to know more people? It’s not like I’m a total shut-in, I go outside every day on walks and frequently visit libraries and stores about the few hobbies I do have (music and games, yes I know music can be a social thing but I’m really terrible at it so I’d rather not meet people through music).

1 comment
  1. Maybe try new things and see if you enjoy them, you might find other hobbies and make more friends who also like that.

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