hello all. ok so, im a lesbian. every time i try to get into a relationship, i get anxiety. i tried dating a girl once freshman year and broke up with her after 2 days kind of anxiety. prom is coming up, its my senior year, and theres this really cute girl named stacey that im going with. tbh, i dont really know if were going as friends or as a date, but shes also gay and im pretty sure is interested in me?

i find stacey really attractive, and i enjoy hanging out with her, but the idea of getting into a relationship gives me so much anxiety for no reason. whenever i think about doing couple stuff with her i feel fine, i want to do more with her, but the idea of attaching a label to it freaks me out. especially because were both going to college anyways this fall, so am i just setting myself for getting dumped/ having to dump her??? idk. i feel bad because i dont want to lead her on, but i dont know how to deal with my own issues.

tldr: im no a uhaul lesbian, i want to get with a girl but am scared about what a relationship would entail

  1. I know this is easier said than done, but stop overthinking this.

    Everytime you find yourself stressing, remind yourself all you have to do is enjoy the relationship TODAY. Stop thinking about tomorrow. Stop thinking about break ups or college or anything else. How is it today? Try to bring yourself back to right now when your anxiety goes nuts.

    Does she want a label TODAY? Does she wants to break up TODAY? No. Ya’ll ain’t even close to that. Hows it going TODAY? It sounds like ya’ll are kinda flirty and friendly today. Fun! Enjoy today!

  2. Just have an open conversation about how you’re feeling. I know it’s easy to say and hard to do, but sometimes you feel good after having those conversations. Those discussions can bring you closer which is a great feeling. If it doesn’t go well or you guys decide not to pursue something romantic, that’s okay too because you’re likely going to find that out later if you don’t talk now. At the very least hopefully you should remain friends.

  3. Your 18. Your relationship is statistically doomed to last less than two years. Commit. Live laugh love break up hurt like you’ve never hurt before learn lessons and start again better then before.

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