It is 0:52 am right now, 12 may 2023. I am in Bloomington, Indiana during my study abroad period. i did not have sex with any women since arriving here in Bloomington. My friends have had sex with several women during this time and i am the only one who has not been able to do it. My lack of social skills and my shyness have provoked my behavoir around meeeting new people. It is so fucking frustrating having to deal with it, I mean i wish i were extrovert and this kindof shit but i can’t. I am fucking introvert and shy and it is impossible to meet new girls. Fuck man i hate myself my only escape is basketball which i consider myself a good hooper. I hope i can improve these skills in the near future but it is really hard…
I hope someone can give feedback so I can move forward in a more positive way. I know i will be berter

  1. It’s really fascinating. Men whining online about not getting laid, and blaming it on lack of “social skills” and being an introvert. It’s like y’all been sold this fictional “Casanova” character archetype as some kind of male role model.

  2. Being good at Basketball does make you interesting on paper, but you highlighted the biggest problems going on with yourself. Lack of social skills and shyness. You are how you act around others. If you don’t exhibit social skills and are afraid of interacting with people, then you can’t expect others to interact with you, let alone do so constantly. In the end, you are judged by how you act around others, not simply by what you do/accomplish in life.

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