Honestly wondering why there is such an appeal for a woman who is married. To me, it would be the opposite.

  1. People are naturally drawn to a challenge. It goes for women chasing married men too. They are difficult to get, which makes them more desirable.

    The feeling of “I’m hot enough that they’ll cheat to have me” or “I’m so desirable they’d leave their spouse for me” gets people hot and bothered.

    I myself don’t chase married woman, but I’ve had a crush on a married women before, and if they had shown interest in me it would have been extra exhilarating to know she wants me bad enough to risk her marriage.

  2. Keep in mind that I am speaking for some men I know not myself. Some men see a married woman as perfect for no strings attached sex, the married woman has a husband and family therefore less likely to want a relationship. Personally, burning in hell for committing adultery is not worth a little sex.

  3. That she’s taken? I got much more attention after I got married and put a ring on.

  4. It’s sorta like having your cake and eating it too. If you nail her, she cant be fully attached to you.

  5. Women in relationships are women that will go away to some other man for real-world feelings and problems. That makes casual sex or ONS possibilities (for the women that are willing) to have fun without having other strings attached. I don’t personally mess with women in relationships but it’s the same reason that some women are attracted to men that are in relationships-not only are we vetted but someone else has to clean up after our mess during the day. I get hit on way more when I’m wearing a ring.

  6. Never heard of this. But I imagine the idea is that you know it’s just sex. She won’t bother you about relationship stuff.

    I can’t imagine you’d go for a married woman if you wanted a relationship…

  7. I’m far from perfect and not morally superior to anyone. That said, I had an ex-friend who would screw anything that walked and his wife was pretty sweet and really good to him. It made me sick to see him cheat with married women but more the fact that he was a selfish narcissist who would screw over anyone if it suited him.

    The appeal to men like that is sex that was less likely to get back to their wives. Single women that feel disrespected can cause married men a lot of problems.

  8. Married women are safe to flirt with. They arent looking for a husband (usually)

  9. The same reason a fair amount of women are attracted to “unattainable men,” or men that are not interested in them

  10. You’re right, it normally is the opposite but some mfs are demons with 0 regard.

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