I’m shaking. I’m on the verge of vomiting I’m not sure what to do. Any advice would be so helpful.

I lived in a tiny little town as a lesbian so I didn’t have many friends growing up. I met my friend when I was 16 online. We’ve never met up in person but we’ve done so much together. I’ve sent him so many packages and gifts and stuff over the years too. We were planning on meeting up once I finished college.

He’s always been a bit of a scumbag. I love(d) him but he was known for being aggressive and mean. He cheated on his girlfriend too, she was his age though. He didn’t consider himself a good person even though I assured him he was one.

He did things to me that seemed okay at the time. Like, when I turned 18 he pressured me into selling nudes because I’d make a ton of money. And he wanted to be my manager. It was purely for money I thought. I kept saying I wasn’t cool with it but he said I was being overly cautious.

But now I’ve received a ton of screenshots that seem very very real from a mutual friend of ours. It’s more than just discord screenshots–i know how easily those can be edited. These are reddit screenshots and stuff. And it’s of him asking a 12 year old to be his gf, and calling her cute, etc. And another screen shot has her asking if he found out whether he’s a map and he replies with a shrug emoji.

I’m so freaked out. He’s in college to be a doctor I don’t know what to do. These screenshots seem really real and in hindsight other things he did seem super fucked up too. Like he said it’s okay for a 13 yr old and 18 yr old to date. And his old discord account got banned for being in a map server but he said it was because he was tracking the maps to report them, not to participate.

What do I do?? If this is wrong or faked it could ruin his life but I’m petrified. Sorry for the poor grammar I’m genuinely shaking.

Tl;Dr my friend might be a very bad person because I got sent screenshots. Idk what to do.

  1. What does the mutual friend who sent you the screenshots plan to do? How did they get them?

  2. MAP is a term made up by pesos to try to normalize the fact that they are attracted to CHILDREN. I’m sorry you need to accept that your friend is a PEDOPHILE

  3. *Might be*!? Your friend is a **pedophile**, there is absolutely 0 question about that. The only people who use “map” are pedophiles trying to make pedophilia sound acceptable. You need to cut ties ASAP and give those screenshots to any schools he’s applied to and to his work. You should also consider pressing charges for his sexual coercion/abuse of you in pressuring you to sell nudes. It could help protect kids from his abuse.

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