I never thought I’d be unconfident about not being able to spit. My date kept asking for “more spit, drool here, more saliva there” and all I can manage is a trickle of spit.

I really would love to be able to lube his dick up with my mouth but I can’t produce that much saliva, it just dries out so fast as well.

Drinking more water doesn’t really help much as well. How do I produce more saliva? I know we can use a lube but he finds it more sexy this way.

  1. gagging on his dick or making yourself gag with your fingers is how you get loooooots of drool (or at least that’s how i do)

  2. Your partner might watch too much porn. Do what feels ok to you, anxiety over whether or not your able to produce enough saliva for a drooly sloppy blowjob doesn’t sound like a healthy allocation of emotional resources.

  3. Your partner watches too much porn. Don’t do anything you are uncomfortable with.

  4. Have you tried those candies that are specifically made to make you drool uncontrollably during blowjobs?

  5. Interesting. Same here I just don’t produce that much spit. Pretty much ever regardless of what I’m up to

  6. My partner drinks a soft drink first. It helps lube up my cock a lot better

  7. I gag myself and it’s instant water works. As some have said though, only do that if you are comfortable doing it.

  8. To get more drool, I usually apply some suction, getting the tongue stuck between the cheeks or my teeth.

    Pushing him deep or making yourself gag on his dick helps. I sometimes just hold it there and it helps.

    Usually loads of suction helps.

  9. Drink something with milk before. I drink coffee with cream.

    Dairy makes saliva

  10. If this is someone you want to keep seeing and you feel good giving this to him (don’t ever let someone pressure you into something you don’t wsnt) then try Flintts Mints! They’re pretty good and theyre meant to make your mouth water like crazy.

  11. I can make massive amounts of saliva on demand because I have trained myself to do so over many years. It’s a matter of practice makes perfect. I would not expect someone who has not practiced to be able to do so. If he wants a sloppier BJ than you can produce naturally, that’s what lube is for. If he can’t handle that, then he’s not ready to have sex.

  12. What colour is your pee?

    Drinking more water should mean you can salivate more… are you drinking the water beforehand? Or are you just trying to take a few sips while you’re doing it and wondering why it isn’t working?

    You need to properly hydrate for a full day before sex to see the benefits. The last girl I dated smelled more than other girls and I think it’s because she was always dehydrated. Her pee was very yellow.

  13. I feel so dumb lol I didn’t realize what subreddit I was in and thought you two were on a date or something. Did he want you to drool over him or like for food? You meant over dick 😂😂😂

  14. When I twirl my tongue whilst the dick is in my mouth, I don’t lick it off. I don’t swallow anything and just let all the saliva drip and/or spit it out. Also like what others were saying I ease into getting all of him in my mouth, slowly, and it naturally produces more saliva, which I then spit out on his dick and rub. The deeper I get his dick in, the more watery my mouth gets, the more saliva I get to spit.

  15. There’s a spray that can help lubricate your mouth, I don’t remember the brand.

  16. It may not be your thing, but when I get deepthroated and/or gag it produces a lot more saliva

  17. This is one thing porn has changed for most peoples relationships. Most men (myself included) want very sloppy head like we see the pornstars do. There are actually mints for this right now, quick google will help you find them. My current partner is really good at this, pretty much just gag yourself and go as hard as you can with it as far as you can and you will start salivating like no other. Play with it, look in his eyes and spit on him. He’ll go crazy.

  18. As a stoner who gets cotton mouth I’ll be straight honest and keep a room temp water bottle and feel the moment when to get a big mouth full, warm it and then dribble some on him

  19. If you’re into BDSM – have him place a clothes peg or two on your tongue. After a few minutes you’ll be drooling!

  20. Getting it jammed down my throat a little causes me to drool, so I’ll just give it a good jab back there, make myself gag a little and then I have tons of spit

  21. I think they make little candies you suck on that help with saliva production. Also if this is a new guy and he’s already telling you how you need to give him a better BJ that isn’t a great start lol. You’re smoking and most guys would be grateful just to go out with you let alone get their dick sucked. Maybe it’s fine but just wanted to say don’t sell yourself short.

  22. You don’t have to if it’s really hard, first up. Seems like a one-to-couple night stand so no need for all that effort.
    Second up if you want to drink even more water, avoid caffeine and try gagging.

  23. I was listening to a podcast once where a porn star advised using the dick to lightly gag yourself. It causes a ton of salivation. That said, it kind of sounds like he’s being ridiculous, but if you are happy, that’s the important bit.

  24. You could try thinking of something sour? But honestly some people just produce more spit than others. There’s nothing wrong with having a bit of a dry mouth lol

  25. Crystal meth will make u drool and spit a lot. Good girl for spitting on his dick. Maybe if you try to deep throat him till you almost start to gag might help 😉

  26. I just keep water nearby and when my mouth dries up I take a drink, swish it around my mouth and then keep going😂half the time the guys catch on and they’ll grab the water for me

  27. Based on your socials I doubt this story is even real, but rather an attention grabbing post 🙂

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