I had my senior prom on Saturday and this girl I’ve known since middle school was sort of eyeing me up all night and eventually I went over to her and we danced for a while. She complimented me, threw it back on me (basically grinding for those of you who don’t know), and we talked for a while before she told me she had to leave. On her way out I asked for her number and she told me to just text her on Instagram since I already had her on there.

So I texted her today (I guess yesterday at this point since its 2am) and we had a really short and boring conversation and she didn’t really seem all that interested in talking to me, so I guess I’m just wondering if this was like a one time thing or if she wants me to try talking to her more or something.

I’m really attracted to her and she’s really funny and cool but I just don’t know if that’s reciprocated or not. I guess I’d just like to know what to do, I don’t see her very often because we have different career paths and this different schedules so I don’t really see her in person very often.

TLDR: Girl I’ve known for a long time was being sexual and flirty with me but is now kind of giving me mixed signals. What do I do.

  1. You just said you had a boring conversation. I’m guessing it’s a turn off for her but it’s expected since you literally know nothing about her personally. I’d suggest you try to get to know her so that your conversations won’t be awkward and boring

  2. If you like her, tell her and ask her to go out with you so you can get to know her.

  3. My instincts say she just wanted to have fun dancing and that’s it. But who knows, texting can be weird because you never what’s going on over on their end. Like, she could be at work or with family so she can’t really chat. Who knows? Either way, I would ask her out clearly and directly and then go from there. No use second guessing in my opinion, find out what you want to know.

  4. Talk to her again once or twice more, try to ask questions about her interests. After a couple of days ask her out for a movie or dinner. There’s nothing wrong with asking. Don’t overthink it or prolong the texting, if she isn’t interested then there’s no point trying to make her interested, you’ll just waste your time that could be spent looking for other dates. Good luck!

  5. If you want to get to know her better, tell her that and ask her if she wants to hang out sometime.

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