What is your lucky moment?

  1. I did my MSc in Theoretical Chemistry, found out hoe dog shit the pay is, decided that I wanted to be a programmer, studied at home after work for a year and applied to jobs.

    No one would hire me because I didnt study programming at a school.

    Until I interviewed with a major car company. They hired me because everytime they asked me a technical question that I didnt know, I answered it “I dont know YET”. Thing is… I didn’t consciously know i was saying “yet”, it just happened. And the hiring manager decided he would give me the chance because he can tell that in open to learning.

    Been almost a year now and I love it

  2. Honestly? Meeting my wife to be. My life came together after that.

    Job gave me permanency.
    First fitness journey, only time in my life I felt healthy.
    New car.
    Moved in together.
    Got married.
    Honeymoon and travel.
    Got house together.

  3. I’ve never had a problem finding a job. I’ve literally walked into a bar on a Tuesday afternoon, and walked out with a job 2 cities over, after a short conversation with a stranger.

  4. Around four years ago, when I was desperate to keep my failing relationship afloat, I got lucky by getting a job I barely qualified for. Just by being at the right time in the right place.

    It gave me a sense of worth. It inspired me to become better. It helped to keep myself mostly sane and functional after the inevitable divorce happened.

  5. Just Gambled about 2 weeks ago (I honestly hate gambling)

    And yet, I won $400!

    Could’ve definitely used them.

    So that’s my best luck, so far!

  6. Call it cliche but the day my wife (then just a friend who was a girl) wanted to be more than friends. I honestly wasn’t in a good place, but she got my head above ground. Life with her has been nothing short of amazing.

  7. Meeting my first gf / ex-fiancée, just a week before she moved to another part of London. It was her last Sunday, and my first Sunday, at the church which has since become my spiritual home. We just clicked and couldn’t stop ogling each other.

    In her broken English she demanded to have my number, and I asked her out on a date. Thus began the happiest three years of my life, thus far.

    I miss her.

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