The way I realized this is because I know some people thought my life that were interested in me. Things never worked out (which is why I’m insecure about my looks) for a number of reasons. But the thing is that I don’t think they were unattractive.

This also gives me a bit of hope for the future because my flaws are things I can work on. Such and communication and making my feelings more known.

  1. I don’t think I am unattractive but it’s been 2.5 years without a date and many many rejections.

    The truth is that dating is very difficult for men, the level increases every day. If you don’t reach a minimum you are invisible.

  2. Confidence goes a LONG way to improving looks. So does wardrobe and grooming. Seriously base looks is not nearly as important as these things .

    Don’t be obese and you are golden.

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