So I’ve been having this long distance relationship with a girl. I think she may just be the one for me but we haven’t officially met in person (we’ve FaceTimed a lot). Now at first it was great and I am now moving across the world to be with her. She has some trauma in the past in her previous relationships which makes her put on the brakes a bit with us. It doesn’t help she caught me out on a couple lies when I feel my reasoning that I’m just not ready to fully explain to her is a good reason. We were so excited to spark a relationship together once I moved but now she’s retracted and I’m pondering if it’s worth the shot to move to the next country and still attempt to spark something or am I too far gone.

  1. I think before moving to her city to be with her, it would be wise to first spend a few weeks with her on holiday and see how that goes. You’ll definitely learn things about each other that never came up while you were online only. Moving to where she is a big step as it is – that’s a lot of money, time and effort involved for someone you haven’t seen in person yet + now are unsure about.

    Long distance can work out, especially if you’re willing to move cities to close the distance, but it’ll take a lot of effort on both sides and you defs gotta spend a good amount of time together in person to make sure you won’t regret moving your whole life to be with them.

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