I wear thick bold-framed eyeglasses at night when I go to bars and clubs. I noticed that most men don’t wear glasses. I’m one of them only ones that do. Are glasses attractive on a guy? Or should I just wear contacts instead?

Ladies what do you think?

  1. Insecurity is unattractive, confidence is attractive.

    Glasses can be sexy if you own it, or not sexy if they make you act insecure. Just wear what you like and what makes you feel awesome. Then be awesome and have a good time and you’ll have women all over you. There’s no simple formula like “all women like glasses” or “no women like men with glasses”.

  2. It’s not the glasses that would make of break it with someone. Confidence is much more important

  3. Yea I just haven’t been having any luck and trying to increase my chances. And just happened to notice that the majority of men that night weren’t wearing glasses. I guess I was being self-conscious about them and hence I noticed that detail. Been in kinda a dating rut lately

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