I hardly ever put makeup on me , i normally take good care of my skin and hair always, but showing a face without makeup can be seen as lack of interest in someone? Or is it something good?

  1. Whatever makes you comfortable. I find mascara and lipstick shows I made an effort without trying too hard, especially on a first or second date or a special event.

  2. as a guy, i hate make up.. its gross, you can taste it when you kiss someone wearing it… it’s fake.

    imo, only on some occasions

    but, *you do you*…. **always**

  3. Not a red flag. If you think that the guys you are talking too are insecure about it then you can just explain why you don’t wear make up. If they are good guys then they will likely respect that

  4. Personally, I wouldn’t think that’s a red flag. If I find a girl to be attractive, then she’s attractive, in my eyes to say the least. Period.

  5. Your makeup doesn’t indicate interest or otherwise and most guys ( if that’s who you date) wouldn’t care in my opinion.

  6. I don’t care for tons of makeup. I like a very light touch like eyeliner but I don’t feel like it’s needed.

  7. Not a red flag, not necessarily a positive either. It’s just a choice you made.

    Some people will like it, some won’t.

  8. Big green flag for me. I’m sure there are many guys out there, like myself, that appreciate the more natural look

  9. With my ex, with or without make up I don’t care at all. She was beautiful with or without. But if we’re going somewhere fancy I’d would appreciate if we dress up a bit together.

  10. As a guy, I say put make up whenever you feel like it and don’t let anyone, male or female, tell you different

  11. The less makeup is better for me but neither will i say no to makeup. Take your time to look fine.
    But don’t come out like a clown to a kids party

  12. In my opinion makeup is only a part of grooming and being presentable if you want makeup to be a part of that routine.

    I’ve never been one for makeup in my daily life, to the degree that I probably only wear makeup about once a year or less, and have pretty well always been that way.

    I’m now in my 40s married for years etc etc. The right person will notice your interest by your interest, whether you’re wearing makeup or not.

  13. I mean if you put effort in other way: conversations, planning, etc I probably won’t notice. Else, I will be like “okay one more point of disinterest”

  14. I think it’s a green flag. Needing makeup on a daily to be comfortable at home is a red flag. Skin says a lot about a person and their diet habits. I think at times why are you always wearing makeup what are you covering up for

  15. So long as you’re otherwise taking care of your appearance (i.e. good hygiene), I don’t think it would be a problem. It gives you something extra you can do for special occasions if you want. And if it is a problem, the person it’s a problem for probably isn’t someone you would want to date anyways

  16. In what world would that be considered a red flag? 😭 It all just comes down to preference. Some guys like a bare face and others enjoy makeup. Just be you.

  17. Good answers from everybody. I also don’t wear too much makeup. I don’t feel like I have to change for a man’s preference.

  18. No makeup, green flag.

    I absolutely insist that any woman I date DOESN’T wear makeup when we’re out and about.

  19. Not necessarily a red flag for me. If you look great without it and feel comfortable without it then it’s all good.

  20. I could care less how often a woman puts on makeup. I’m focused on how you are as a person and if we have chemistry.

  21. Depends if u are pretty without. No guy cares if someone wears makeup or not, but usually make up makes u look prettier. If ur subpar without makeup, and u don’t wear makeup, guys will just see u as subpar

  22. Well. I actually like it when women don’t wear makeup. Why? You know what you are getting. As opposed to the Jekyl and Hyde situation.

    That being said. Personal hygiene is a separate issue. I don’t consider makeup the same thing as personal hygiene. You can wear a ton of makeup and still smell like pepperoni and cheese. Or you can wear no makeup and have excellent hygiene and be very clean. I am quite particular about it.

  23. not a red flag at all. it’s not your thing. don’t make something that’s not your thing, your thing when it’s not really your thing. if you want to make it your thing then do it but not because of dating because then it wouldn’t be your thing and you did it as a thing for someone else. but if you’re okay with trying a new thing for yourself in the hopes of meeting new people there’s nothing wrong with that either. but if you met someone who felt girls were showing a lack of interest because they didn’t wear makeup, pretty sure they have more on their list on what girls should be doing to look/be “interesting”

  24. Not a red flag. Depends on the person though, I guess. Some like it caked on. I don’t. Minimal/none is best. Shows who someone really is.

  25. No red flag… but as you grow older, I have encounter friends who barely use make up, go to through a heavy makeup phase. If you that happens to you, make sure to get a lot of help, from multiple make up pros, and honest feedback. I assuming it’s a big learning curve.

  26. There are pluses and minuses, a girl that wears just enough to “freshen up” VS putting the whole cabinet on their face each day is a totally different story. I’m not attracted to the second as like other said it’s kind of gross if you go in for a kiss or anything more.

  27. Lol I can’t with all the guys saying they appreciate a natural look. A natural look can be achieved with make up hence why it’s called a look. If you feel beautiful without make up then do it girl. I don’t wear it often but on days when I look like life was just a little rough I put a little on to achieve a natural look 😂
    If you’re going on a date and are trying to impress there’s nothing wrong with a little extra glam, do what makes you shine best

  28. What idiot told you that?

    Women who can’t leave the house without using a trowel to spackle a pound of makeup on is the red flag

    News flash to most women, the majority of men can’t stand makeup and any guy who’s ever woken up with a girl in their bed and half her face left on your clean sheets/pillow will tell you how disgusting it is

  29. To me a red flag is something that indicates a person is toxic, dangerous, or fundamentally not capable of building a genuine and healthy relationship with. In my opinion things that are matters of personal taste and preference should not be considered red flags. Those things may be reasons someone is not attracted or otherwise interested in a relationship, but they aren’t things that should universally disqualify someone from the dating pool.

    For example, if you discovered that someone had a bad temper and lost control of themselves, you would be wise to avoid dating that person and you wouldn’t recommend them to a friend either. That’s because that sort of behavior is toxic and potentially dangerous. That’s a red flag.

    On the other hand, if you found out that someone is really into going to jazz concerts and talking about philosophy and you find those things to be boring and uninteresting, you might decide you don’t want to date them. However that isn’t a red flag, its just not your type. If you had a friend who liked those things you might offer to introduce them.

    Your personal cosmetic and aesthetic decisions are not a red flag. They do not indicate anything toxic or dangerous about you. They may be off-putting to some people. However plenty of other people may appreciate them or be indifferent to them.

    There are many ways to display sincere interest in someone, and they pretty much all involve investment of time and energy. If someone is telling you that your lack of makeup indicates that you aren’t interested, it may just mean that they aren’t compatible with you. At most it could be a gaslight as an attempt to manipulate you into feeling bad.

    Do you. You shouldn’t be trying to please and attract everyone. Instead you should want to attract those people who are most compatible with you.

  30. I had an art teacher say that the majority of the aesthetic changes we make to our bodies are so that we can approach the idea we have of who we are on the inside on the outside.

    If putting makeup on makes you feel further from yourself, less like your true self or even feels unflattering, don’t do it.

    The expression “those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind” applies here, because if you don’t like wearing makeup and you date someone who cares if you do, you’re going to have a struggle everyday. And what happens if he sees you in the morning? Are you going to pull a Mrs. Maisel and part your curtains to get the sunlight into your eye to go put makeup on before this person wakes up?

    Lastly, there is no universal look that is required to go out on a date. Nowhere in your life did you sign a contract asking you to perform your outward appearance in any sort of way, and anyone who wants to make you believe that you are required to do something is either trying to control you or trying to sell you something. Makeup is like a hat. Some people wear hats everyday, others on special occasions only, some change their hats as the seasons change.

  31. Thank you for all the positive comments from both men and women 💚💚💚. Most of my female friends put makeup even for buying groceries, women in my family are all very posh for me so i always felt judged as not being “feminine” enough for not wearing makeup or fancy dresses often. For my mother I was always not feminine enough and that way I wouldn’t find a proper husband (like she thinks that I ever want to marry lol)

  32. Y’all really out here using the term “red flags” like they mean anything trivial lol Like, why would it be a red flag? How does putting on makeup or not indicate someone would be bad, untrustworthy or dangerous in a relationship?

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