Title pretty much says it all. Take it with a grain of salt, he got in at 1:30 last night due to work, but still I feel like sleeping until 12 is a bit excessive. We have two young kids and he doesn’t help at all during the night, and he doesn’t get up with them in the morning (usually around 5:45-6:30).

I could fill this post with all the pros and cons in our marriage. He had an affair (I know, I know), he doesn’t pull his weight around the house, won’t get the mental health help he needs, takes his anger and frustration out on me (not physically). But he also can be really sweet and caring, he’s a good dad most of the time, and has worked really hard so that I could be a stay at home mom for a year.

I know I need to leave him, and I know I shouldn’t be turning to Reddit right now, but I just wanted someone to wish me happy Mother’s Day.

  1. Happy Mother’s Day
    Do something nice for yourself today even if he doesn’t

  2. Happy Mother’s Day, OP.

    I don’t celebrate with my mom because she cheated on my dad and was generally an awful person. So I’ll take my (usually unused) gratitude and give it to you instead.

    My mom treated my dad like garbage. You could say she was a “good mom” but people don’t realize the impact infidelity has on the kids. We recognized the change in dynamic, the tension, the pain in dad’s eyes. Kids are more perceptive than you think. You are *not* a good parent if you are hurting your kids’ other parent through infidelity (or otherwise).

    My dad eventually divorced my mom, but the divorce itself really tore him apart and did permanent damage. I imagine that’s why you haven’t pursued that option and I 100% understand.

    My dad is a great man. I love him to bits and I respect him for being a good man even in the worst of my mom’s meltdowns.

    I didn’t realize what was happening when I was a kid. I used to think my mom was awesome because she was fun. But when I got older I started to understand. I saw everything that was happening and my respect for my dad skyrocketed. My opinion toward my mother plummeted.

    The hard work you’re doing will pay off one day. Your kids will remember every kiss, every time you held them, all the times you were there for them even when you’re broken inside. They’ll remember.

    Happy Mother’s Day, OP. I hope you find happiness whether that be by leaving or by your husband pulling his head out of his ass.

  3. Happy Mother’s Day momma. It may not seem like it now but when those kids become adults they will appreciate you. In the meantime, carve out some “me time” each day, week, month. Even if it is for a short time. Take care of yourself. You may find upon reflection you can raise those kids yourself.

  4. Happy Mother’s Day! Unfortunately i messed up and literally almost forgot mothers day. My presents are in the mail. Me and wife have a 2 year old and a 6 month old. Even with working late how does the kids not get him up. My kids make sure im out of bed early as hell no matter what i got going on. Geez im jealous of your husband, getting all that sleep. Raising kids full time is the hardest job ive ever done and i was in the Army 5 years with 2 deployments.

  5. Happy mother’s day.

    Certainly not gonna pile on while you’re feeling down. But I will say this…if you want change then you’ll have to change your thinking, situation, etc. Etc.

  6. There are way too many posts like this today. I’m so sorry for all the wives whose husbands let them down. I hope things get better for all of you. We all deserve so much better.

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